Respite Recommissioning for Lifelong Disabilities and Mental Health
Respite Recommissioning Project for adults with lifelong disabilities and mental health (including learning disability, autism, acquired brain injury, physical and sensory injury or need).
Respite care is the term used for services that enable an unpaid carer to take a break from their caring role. Respite care can come in many forms. These include services in your own home, day opportunities and residential care. Respite can also benefit the individual by socialising with others, learning new skills, increasing independence and trying new experiences.
We have heard that the current provision in West Sussex is not always meeting everyone's needs. During September and October 2024 we spoke to council staff, voluntary and community sector groups, customers, carers and care providers. We asked people to share their experiences around what they feel works well and what the barriers or challenges are. We asked how services could be delivered in the future and what outcomes and benefits they should offer to the customers and carers that will use them.
These conversations have informed the content of three surveys to test the initial feedback received and gather more views. There are surveys for customer and carers (including easy read), professionals and the Provider Market. We'd like to know your views on respite and how it can be improved. What you tell us in our survey will be used to help shape how we plan and develop respite services in the future.
If you have any questions, you can contact the team at
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