Careers Team West Sussex

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Hello from the Careers Team West Sussex

The West Sussex County Council Careers Team has a wide range of experience working with young people across the county. We offer a seamless support service during the transition from school to a student’s next step.

We work with schools and sixth forms across West Sussex but can also accept self-referrals from individuals aged 16 to 25 struggling with what their next steps could be.

We also offer support to parents and careers who are trying to support their young people but need help navigating the many options open to them.

The work we do includes helping young people prepare for work, college apprenticeships, and traineeships; supporting them to create achievable goals and all the tools they will need to reach their full potential.

Accessibility statement

If you require any of this information in an alternative format, then please contact us via email at CareerTeam or by telephone on 0330 222 7175 and we will do our best to assist you. If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have an NGT texting app installed on your computer, laptop, or smartphone, you can contact us on 18001 0330 222 7175

We are committed to making this website accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018. Please view the West Sussex County Council Accessibility Statement (opens in new window) for further details. Information about the accessibility of the Your Voice Engagement Hub can be found by clicking on the 'Accessibility tab' which can be found at the bottom of this page. Where it exists, we will provide details of any project related content which is not fully accessible under a heading of 'Non-accessible content' below

We are always looking to improve the accessibility of this website. If you find any problems not listed on this page or think we’re not meeting accessibility requirements, please contact us at

Survey web browser compatibility

Please use one of the browsers below when completing the survey to ensure it looks and works as it should. These are:

· Microsoft Edge version 86 and above

· Chrome version 86 and above

· Firefox version 78 and above

· Safari version 14 and above

Hello from the Careers Team West Sussex

The West Sussex County Council Careers Team has a wide range of experience working with young people across the county. We offer a seamless support service during the transition from school to a student’s next step.

We work with schools and sixth forms across West Sussex but can also accept self-referrals from individuals aged 16 to 25 struggling with what their next steps could be.

We also offer support to parents and careers who are trying to support their young people but need help navigating the many options open to them.

The work we do includes helping young people prepare for work, college apprenticeships, and traineeships; supporting them to create achievable goals and all the tools they will need to reach their full potential.

Accessibility statement

If you require any of this information in an alternative format, then please contact us via email at CareerTeam or by telephone on 0330 222 7175 and we will do our best to assist you. If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have an NGT texting app installed on your computer, laptop, or smartphone, you can contact us on 18001 0330 222 7175

We are committed to making this website accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018. Please view the West Sussex County Council Accessibility Statement (opens in new window) for further details. Information about the accessibility of the Your Voice Engagement Hub can be found by clicking on the 'Accessibility tab' which can be found at the bottom of this page. Where it exists, we will provide details of any project related content which is not fully accessible under a heading of 'Non-accessible content' below

We are always looking to improve the accessibility of this website. If you find any problems not listed on this page or think we’re not meeting accessibility requirements, please contact us at

Survey web browser compatibility

Please use one of the browsers below when completing the survey to ensure it looks and works as it should. These are:

· Microsoft Edge version 86 and above

· Chrome version 86 and above

· Firefox version 78 and above

· Safari version 14 and above

  • Take Survey
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  • The West Sussex County Council Careers Team have a wide range of experience working with young people across the county.

    The Traded Service allows schools to go into a one, two or three-year Service Level Agreement with us, or our services can be purchased on a one-off basis. Our services include:

    One-to-one Career Guidance interviews (Gatsby Benchmarks covered = 1,2,3,4,8)

    • To explore a range of careers a student can choose from
    • Routes into any specific careers 
    • The different options the student has to achieving their goals.

    Small Group work  (Gatsby Benchmarks covered = 1,2,3)

    Groups of students to cover specific topics. Typically used for:

    • Year 10 students to explain all the basic information they need to help them explore their options
    • Year 11 students who all have a similar interest 
    • Apprenticeship workshops
    • CV workshops 

    Classroom work 

    • Transferable skills
    • Raising aspirations 
    • Learning styles and options
    • Resilience
    • Self-awareness, Skills and CVs
    • What is LMI?
    • True or false (Career myth busters) 
    • Gap year options
    • Interview skills

    Assemblies, parents evening and events

    We would be grateful for your feedback as the Careers Leader, about the services which your school purchased in this academic year.

    Take Survey
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  • Our Careers Advisers can provide information, advice, guidance and support to young people Post-16 (school leavers) living in West Sussex and are NOT in education, employment or training (NEET). We may also be able to help if a young person is working or studying part-time (less than 16 hours). We can support a young person who has previously been on an EHCP up to the age of 25. 

    We can help young people to think about next steps, recognise your skills, strengths and ambitions and find out about local opportunities. If we are unable to support the young person, then we will sign post to an appropriate service.

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Page last updated: 18 Nov 2024, 03:42 PM