WSCC Traded Service - Careers Leader's Satisfaction Survey
The West Sussex County Council Careers Team have a wide range of experience working with young people across the county.
The Traded Service allows schools to go into a one, two or three-year Service Level Agreement with us, or our services can be purchased on a one-off basis. Our services include:
One-to-one Career Guidance interviews (Gatsby Benchmarks covered = 1,2,3,4,8)
- To explore a range of careers a student can choose from
- Routes into any specific careers
- The different options the student has to achieving their goals.
Small Group work (Gatsby Benchmarks covered = 1,2,3)
Groups of students to cover specific topics. Typically used for:
- Year 10 students to explain all the basic information they need to help them explore their options
- Year 11 students who all have a similar interest
- Apprenticeship workshops
- CV workshops
Classroom work
- Transferable skills
- Raising aspirations
- Learning styles and options
- Resilience
- Self-awareness, Skills and CVs
- What is LMI?
- True or false (Career myth busters)
- Gap year options
- Interview skills
Assemblies, parents evening and events
We would be grateful for your feedback as the Careers Leader, about the services which your school purchased in this academic year.