West Worthing Station Crossing and Active Travel Improvements
As part of improvements to Active Travel WSCC is proposing a new signal controlled crossing in front of the busy West Worthing Railway Station in Tarring Road, Worthing.
The works will include building out the footway to reduce the width of the road (currently 13.8metres) making it easier and safer to cross. The area has been identified as a location of secondary walking zone in ‘Adur & Worthing Councils Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan’ pages 40-41 (opens in new window)
Pedestrian surveys undertaken in September 2023 indicate there is already a demand to cross in the area despite the wide carriageway of 13.8 metres. A new crossing will not only support this demand but support growth in walking and provide a formalised crossing point accessible to all. In addition, the location has a history of collisions involving injury to pedestrians, including a fatality in 2009.
On the basis of the pedestrian survey the crossing has been positioned to the west of Valencia Road as this recorded a higher number of movements. The proposed crossing position to the west of Valencia Rd will also maintain two eastbound lanes on the approach to South St/ Tarring Rd signals and minimise the impact on queues. The advantage of installing a signal crossing is control can be carefully monitored to ensure management of traffic movement through the existing signalised junction at the level crossing.
In addition to the crossing, we are promoting a cycle contra-flow southbound along Valencia Road, which will improve cycle access to the wider neighbourhood to the south of Tarring Road. With the exception of the entrance from Tarring Road, a dedicated cycle lane is not proposed on Valencia Road. Instead cyclists will simply be able to cycle against the flow of traffic. This type of provision is possible where vehicle numbers and speeds are low and aligns with LTN 1/20 national design guidance. No parking places will be removed in Valencia Road.
Scheme Objectives
The scheme aims to improve safety, continuity and usability for pedestrians and cyclists, by:
- Installation of new signalised crossing on Tarring Road, just west of its junction with Valencia Road in front of West Worthing Railway Station. The new signals will be linked to the existing signals on the level crossing to ensure that, when the rail gates are open traffic outside West Worthing station can clear.
- Introduction of contra-flow cycling southbound on the one way street in Valencia Road.
- Footway improvements including kerbing, surfacing and drainage
- Relocation of existing street furniture, including recently installed planters to streamline position providing more space for pedestrians and people who use wheelchairs or mobility scooters
Please see designs for further details:
- Plan showing the location of the crossing and details of the footway build-out. To accommodate this change will involve minor changes to the on street parking restrictions.
- Plan showing the proposed cycle contra-flow for Valencia Road one way. The proposals will incorporate refreshing all the white “Access Protection Marks” along the route and providing new access protection marks across remaining accesses. This will help traffic and cyclists to allow space for give/take arrangement.
Scheme Timeline
The scheduling of the proposed works is subject to the outcome from the formal “Traffic Notice” which will follow this consultation. However, we are currently proposing to deliver the scheme in the first half of 2025. The duration of the proposed works is estimated to be between 6 and 8 weeks.
Funding and Next Steps
How much will the scheme cost and who is paying for it?
The improvements are estimated to cost around £250,000. The scheme is being funded by Active Travel England, which is an executive agency set up by central government with responsibility for improving walking, wheeling and cycling routes in the UK.
What are the next steps?
We will carefully consider all comments received during the consultation. Feedback received will inform the detailed design for the scheme. We will document this process and publish the results in a consultation report.
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The Active Travel Team will use these surveys to collect some personal data (e.g. age, sex), the processing of which is necessary for compliance with a statutory duty.
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