Frequently Asked Questions
Why is this work required?
This section of Tarring Road has been identified as benefiting from improvements as part of Worthing and Adur LCWIP which has previously been the subject of separate consultation.
To provide a safer pedestrian crossing and make the existing walking route more attractive around West Worthing Railway Station. The location already has a high number of pedestrians crossing the road despite the poor environment and a history of pedestrians being injured trying to cross the road.
Encouragement for users to walk to the railway station as part of their regular commute. This area is identified a secondary walking route in Worthing and the proposed footway widening offers wider environmental improvements to walking in the location.
This location is in close proximity to an existing level crossing and the main north-south pedestrian route to cross the railway. Pedestrian surveys carried out indicate 85 children cross at this location. This crossing is within 1 km of 5 primary schools and indications are this will be part of the walking route to some of the pupils to these schools.
What will the benefits be if the scheme goes ahead?
Improved formalised crossing point will significantly help pedestrians cross Tarring Road to West Worthing Station and the wider area. The creation of a cycle contra-flow in Valencia Road helps people on bikes travel southbound away from busy routes.
What will be the impact on parking?
The signalised crossing is being constructed within the area which is currently restricted by Double Yellow Line markings. The controlled parking bay on the south side of Tarring Road is proposed to be extended across Run/The Denture Shop. All other controlled parking areas will remain unaffected.
White Access Protection Markings will be marked across driveways/accesses on Valencia Road.
Will parking be impacted on Valencia Road?
We are not proposing removal of parking on Valencia Road to introduce the contra-flow cycling. We are proposing white lines across the driveways on Valencia Road to protect these accesses. There is also an existing faded disabled bay outside number 26 Valencia Road which we do not intend to reinstate as we understand it is no longer required. We would welcome residents’ views on these proposals.
How will this redesign impact on the traffic light cycle to travel east-west and north-south over the train barriered, traffic light operated crossing?
In everyday use the proposed pedestrian crossing will have little to no adverse effect on the signalised junction across the rail line when it is also dealing with the train barriers being in use. The new crossing will be linked to the existing junction to ensure that, when the rail gates are open and traffic moving south and east, the new crossing will not activate to enable the heavy volumes to clear. This will also allow traffic flowing west to clear the crossing and into/through the junction. When the rail gates are not activated the new crossing will work to allow pedestrians to cross safely with minimal impact on the junction flow. Both the existing junction, and the proposed crossing will be remotely monitored so that any issue that may arise can be dealt with, further helping to mitigate any increase in waiting times.
Will the cycle lane just be line-marked? Will the pavements be shared?
The contraflow cycling would be on Valencia Road carriageway only and marked using cycle markings on the road and signage along the road.
The pavements will not be shared. We are not proposing removal of parking on Valencia Road to introduce the contra-flow cycling.
Whilst the road is narrow we are anticipating the traffic flows and speeds will be relatively low, this combined with the renewal of the white lines across driveways will also provide passing spaces along the route and should mean all users can safely share the space.
Will there be signage to accompany the cycle road markings?
Yes. Cycle signage will be located at each end and repeated on both sides of the road in the middle of Valencia Road, positioned on lamp columns where possible.
Will the large evergreen tree at the north-end of Valencia Road be retained?
We are not proposing to remove any trees as part of these works.
Where can I see the plans?
The proposed designs are available to view on this engagement page.
Hard copies of the plans will be available to view at Worthing Library for the duration of the consultation.
What disruption can residents expect during construction of the crossing?
The phasing and specific details of the temporary traffic management will be determined once the decision to proceed has been made. Some delays are to be expected to ensure the site is safe to pass through. An outline of the likely temporary traffic management is described below:-
As part of the works carriageway and pavement space will be restricted to construct the buildouts. Temporary traffic signals will be required on Tarring Road when the service ducts crossing the road and resurfacing works are being carried out. This element is likely to be carried out overnight.
There will need to be a closure of Valencia Road at the junction of Tarring Road which will cause some disruption for residents in Valencia Road. The one-way will be temporarily suspended and two-way access permitted. To manage this movement access protection marks will be provided at every access to improve give/take opportunities within the road.
When will this work take place and how long will it take?
The scheduling of the proposed works is subject to the outcome from the formal “Traffic Notice” which will follow this consultation. However, we are currently proposing to deliver the scheme in the first half of 2025. The duration of the proposed works is estimated to be between 6 and 8 weeks.
How much will the scheme cost and who is paying for it?
The improvements are estimated to cost around £250,000. The scheme is being funded by Active Travel England, which is an executive agency set up by central government with responsibility for improving walking, wheeling and cycling routes in the UK.
What are the next steps?
We will carefully consider all comments received during the consultation. Feedback received will inform the detailed design for the scheme. We will document this process and publish the results in a consultation report.
Why is this money not being spent on carriageway maintenance?
As an Active Travel scheme, this proposed work would be funded by central government capital funding and therefore it would have no impact on current carriageway maintenance budgets in West Sussex. Funding from Active Travel England is specifically allocated to schemes that improve walking, wheeling and cycling routes in England, and West Sussex County Council is not permitted to spend this money on maintenance measures such as pothole repairs. However, carriageway and footway conditions around the scheme area will be assessed at the time of any works taking place, with any defects referred on to West Sussex County Council’s highway maintenance teams for repair.
Will access to nearby properties be affected while the work takes place?
Access to properties will be maintained throughout the duration of the proposed works.
Will the proposed works impact flooding of the area?
The proposed works will involve installation of additional gullies to sufficiently drain the highway and ensure that the improvements do not create a flooding issue.
How will this project impact on climate?
The proposed project will support WSCC's climate pledge to reduce carbon emissions, by making active travel modes more attractive and thereby shifting journeys from modes of transport with higher carbon emissions.
Will there be any opportunity to provide “green” infrastructure as part of the works?
We are considering the provision of a new tree on the north side of the road as part of the scheme. Planting the tree will depend on cost and further technical assessments.