Network Management: Staff Survey (Autumn 2024)
This survey is for all staff in Network Management.
The survey asks questions about the trial management arrangements which have been put in place in the compliance and coordination teams in the last few months. As this has been an important change which has a significant impact on the service as a whole, we would like all staff to complete this, even if not directly affected by the changes.
Other parts of this survey repeat some of the questions from the survey undertaken this time last year. That helps us get a feel for the impact on staff of all change and improvement in the service in the last year.
The survey is anonymous. The data will be viewed and analysed by staff outside the service and held confidentially.
Please give your views freely. They will be considered in the future development of the service.
Please complete the survey by 26 November 2024.
Alternative Formats
If you require any of the information in an alternative format or require assistance to complete the survey, please email or or by telephone on 0330 222 6482 and we will do our best to assist you. If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have an NGT texting app installed on your computer, laptop or smartphone, you can contact us on 18001 0330 222 6482.
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