Chichester Sustainable Transport Corridors

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Improving transport options in Chichester

This consultation ran from 6th November to 18th December 2023. The county council is currently reviewing next steps for the schemes following the consultation feedback received. The county council will publish the results of the consultation when it is possible to communicate these together with the next steps. The original consultation webpage text has been retained below.

Do you want to experience safer and more predictable journeys to the office, school, college, and key employment sites within Chichester, or do you want to cycle to and from Tangmere for work or leisure?

Looking to improve your health, increase your leisure time, and move more easily around the city centre between key locations, such as the town centre, Chichester Festival Theatre, schools, colleges, the University, and many others?

Do you want to help the environment by improving air quality and reducing carbon emissions? Do you get held up or delayed in Chichester traffic and wish there were different travel options that are better for the environment?

If you answered yes to any of the statements above then please read on to see what West Sussex County Council is doing to upgrade our transport network, which would improve your safety and make your journeys more reliable.

We are working to improve sustainable transport facilities across West Sussex. By making it safer, easier and more convenient to walk and cycle, particularly for shorter journeys, we can help to create more pleasant places in which to live, work and do business.

We are consulting on proposals for two east-west routes within Chichester, which have been developed as part of our Strategic Transport Investment Programme (STIP):

  • A286 Oaklands Way Cycle Scheme
  • A285 Chichester to Tangmere Sustainable Transport Corridor

You can comment on the proposals by completing our survey, which is available at the bottom of this webpage. The consultation is open until 11:55pm on Monday 18 December 2023.

Developing the proposals

Underpinning our approach to improving the transport network within the county is the West Sussex Transport Plan 2022 – 2036 (opens in new window). The plan intends to address a number of challenges, including climate change, congestion, public health and road safety, and also identifies priorities for the Chichester area, including A27 and rail service improvements, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, active travel infrastructure, shared transport services, air quality and traffic management measures.

Initial engagement

We undertook initial engagement earlier this year when we presented our early ideas for these schemes. The feedback from this exercise showed that:

  • 52% of respondents were in favour of the A286 Oaklands Way scheme.
  • 60% of respondents were in support of the A285 Chichester to Tangmere Sustainable Transport Corridor.

Please refer to the Early Engagement Summary Report (opens in new window) for more detail.

The proposals

These schemes were identified as they have the potential to provide off-road cycle facilities on routes that connect key education, employment, public transport, services, and development sites, as well as provide some bus priority signal technology. The schemes also have the potential to support routes identified by Chichester District Council in their Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan (opens in new window).

Please see the accompanying route maps in the side panel for more information on both schemes.

A286 Oaklands Way Cycle Scheme

The scheme would connect into the existing cycle facilities around the A286 Northgate Gyratory, which link to a northern route along the A286 Broyle Road, as well as a radial route around Chichester city centre. The scheme would help improve connections between the city centre and the University of Chichester and St Richards Hospital.

Two options are being considered for the scheme: one shared use path for use by both pedestrians and cyclists or a two-way segregated cycle track along the A286 Oaklands Way, as feedback from the initial engagement suggested more people would favour a segregated cycle track where space allows.

  • Option 1: a shared use (i.e. walk/cycle) path on the northern side of the A286 Oaklands Way, between the pedestrian subway in the west and the junction with College Lane in the east.
  • Option 2: a two-way segregated cycle track on the northern side of the A286 Oaklands Way, between the existing bus layby in the west and the junction with College Lane in the east. A smaller section of shared use (i.e. walk/cycle) path is proposed between the pedestrian subway and the starting point of the two-way segregated cycle track.

Both options would be complemented by raised tables over the Northgate car park access road and College Lane, which would give pedestrians and cyclists priority over turning traffic. Both options would also involve removing the existing eastbound bus layby to accommodate the facilities and replacing it with an on-road bus stop. A signal-controlled toucan crossing across Oaklands Way is also expected to be delivered by developers, which would improve connections to Franklin Place and North Street.

A more detailed description of the A286 Oaklands Way Cycle Scheme options (opens in new window) is also available.

An image showing a raised table over Northgate car park access road junction and a wider shared use path. Two cyclists are crossing the junction in either direction and there is blue signage to indicate the presence of shared spaceAn artist impression showing Option 1 of the A286 Oaklands Way scheme at the Northgate car park access road junction In response to COVID-19 restrictions in 2020, the County Council introduced a temporary ‘pop-up’ cycle lane along the A286 between Northgate Gyratory and New Park Road roundabout. We have listened to the feedback received about that scheme which has been considered in the options presented.

A285 Chichester to Tangmere Sustainable Transport Corridor

This scheme would provide a continuous cycle route between Tangmere and Chichester city centre, connecting to the new developments of Shopwyke Lakes and Tangmere.

The route would mainly consist of a 3m two-way segregated cycle track alongside a 2m footway on the southern side of the A27 and A285 Westhampnett Road. However, where there is limited space available, it would not be possible to provide this separation and so instead there would be some smaller sections of shared use (i.e. walk/cycle) paths.

A section of third-party land would be required between Tangmere and Coach Road to keep the facility away from the A27. The proposals may require some additional vegetation removal/clearance and a small amount of land take. This includes the existing footpath between the A285 Westhampnett Road and Church Road, where agreement would be needed with the landowner to widen the path slightly into the former football ground. A small section of land may also be needed adjacent to the Newell Centre.

A more detailed description of the A285 Chichester to Tangmere Sustainable Transport Corridor scheme (opens in new window) is also available.

An artist impression showing a two way segregated cycle lane, separated from the road and footway by a kerb, on the A285 Westhampnett Road. A white line is down the middle of the cycle lane to separate cyclists in either direction and a white cycle symbol is painted to indicate it is a cycle lane. In the distance, St James' Road junction has traffic lights with toucan crossings. There is one pedestrian walking on the footway, and two cyclists in either direction. There are further pedestrians walking along the footway in the distanceAn artist impression of the A285 Chichester to Tangmere scheme, looking towards St James' Road junction on the A285

An artist impression showing a shared use path alongside Portfield Cemetery and the former football ground. The image shows a wide path with a wooden fence to the left and the existing brick wall to the right. Bollards with lit up cycle symbols are provided to mark the presence of cyclists and to provide some additional lighting, although a lamp column is present in the background. There is a cyclist in either direction and a pedestrian.An artist impression of the A285 Chichester to Tangmere scheme, looking at the shared use path alongside Portfield Cemetery


These schemes are not fully funded at this time, so your feedback will help us to shape further development of the designs and inform our decision on how to take the proposals forward, including helping to build the case for these schemes. The schemes are expected to be funded using developer contributions and central Government grants, such as those that are intended for active travel schemes.

Have your say

We are holding three drop-in events so that you can view our proposals for both schemes and speak to members of the project team:

  • Tuesday 28 November: Bassil Shippam Centre, Tozer Way, Chichester, PO19 7LG, from 5pm to 8pm
  • Thursday 30 November: Jubilee Hall, New Park Centre, New Park Road, Chichester, PO19 7XY, from 4pm to 8pm
  • Tuesday 5 December: Tangmere Village Centre, Malcolm Road, Tangmere, PO20 2HS, from 4pm to 8pm

We would love to hear what you think of our proposals to improve walking and cycling within Chichester, so please complete our survey (opens in new window). The consultation is open until 11:55pm on Monday 18 December 2023.

Next steps

Following the close of the consultation, all responses will be considered and analysed to help us in deciding what amendments may be needed to the designs and the next steps for the schemes, including building the case for funding the schemes. We will publish a consultation report to present the results of the analysis and show how the feedback has been considered.

Alternative formats and accessibility

If you require any of this information in an alternative format, then please contact us via email at or by telephone on 01243 642105 and we will do our best to assist you. If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have an NGT texting app installed on your computer, laptop or smartphone, you can contact us on 18001 01243 642105.

For more information about the accessibility of this website, please see our Accessibility tab (opens in new window) at the foot of the page.

Non-accessible content

Technical drawings - A more detailed version of the route maps. Additional text has been provided within the scheme summary documents to aid understanding.

Improving transport options in Chichester

This consultation ran from 6th November to 18th December 2023. The county council is currently reviewing next steps for the schemes following the consultation feedback received. The county council will publish the results of the consultation when it is possible to communicate these together with the next steps. The original consultation webpage text has been retained below.

Do you want to experience safer and more predictable journeys to the office, school, college, and key employment sites within Chichester, or do you want to cycle to and from Tangmere for work or leisure?

Looking to improve your health, increase your leisure time, and move more easily around the city centre between key locations, such as the town centre, Chichester Festival Theatre, schools, colleges, the University, and many others?

Do you want to help the environment by improving air quality and reducing carbon emissions? Do you get held up or delayed in Chichester traffic and wish there were different travel options that are better for the environment?

If you answered yes to any of the statements above then please read on to see what West Sussex County Council is doing to upgrade our transport network, which would improve your safety and make your journeys more reliable.

We are working to improve sustainable transport facilities across West Sussex. By making it safer, easier and more convenient to walk and cycle, particularly for shorter journeys, we can help to create more pleasant places in which to live, work and do business.

We are consulting on proposals for two east-west routes within Chichester, which have been developed as part of our Strategic Transport Investment Programme (STIP):

  • A286 Oaklands Way Cycle Scheme
  • A285 Chichester to Tangmere Sustainable Transport Corridor

You can comment on the proposals by completing our survey, which is available at the bottom of this webpage. The consultation is open until 11:55pm on Monday 18 December 2023.

Developing the proposals

Underpinning our approach to improving the transport network within the county is the West Sussex Transport Plan 2022 – 2036 (opens in new window). The plan intends to address a number of challenges, including climate change, congestion, public health and road safety, and also identifies priorities for the Chichester area, including A27 and rail service improvements, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, active travel infrastructure, shared transport services, air quality and traffic management measures.

Initial engagement

We undertook initial engagement earlier this year when we presented our early ideas for these schemes. The feedback from this exercise showed that:

  • 52% of respondents were in favour of the A286 Oaklands Way scheme.
  • 60% of respondents were in support of the A285 Chichester to Tangmere Sustainable Transport Corridor.

Please refer to the Early Engagement Summary Report (opens in new window) for more detail.

The proposals

These schemes were identified as they have the potential to provide off-road cycle facilities on routes that connect key education, employment, public transport, services, and development sites, as well as provide some bus priority signal technology. The schemes also have the potential to support routes identified by Chichester District Council in their Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan (opens in new window).

Please see the accompanying route maps in the side panel for more information on both schemes.

A286 Oaklands Way Cycle Scheme

The scheme would connect into the existing cycle facilities around the A286 Northgate Gyratory, which link to a northern route along the A286 Broyle Road, as well as a radial route around Chichester city centre. The scheme would help improve connections between the city centre and the University of Chichester and St Richards Hospital.

Two options are being considered for the scheme: one shared use path for use by both pedestrians and cyclists or a two-way segregated cycle track along the A286 Oaklands Way, as feedback from the initial engagement suggested more people would favour a segregated cycle track where space allows.

  • Option 1: a shared use (i.e. walk/cycle) path on the northern side of the A286 Oaklands Way, between the pedestrian subway in the west and the junction with College Lane in the east.
  • Option 2: a two-way segregated cycle track on the northern side of the A286 Oaklands Way, between the existing bus layby in the west and the junction with College Lane in the east. A smaller section of shared use (i.e. walk/cycle) path is proposed between the pedestrian subway and the starting point of the two-way segregated cycle track.

Both options would be complemented by raised tables over the Northgate car park access road and College Lane, which would give pedestrians and cyclists priority over turning traffic. Both options would also involve removing the existing eastbound bus layby to accommodate the facilities and replacing it with an on-road bus stop. A signal-controlled toucan crossing across Oaklands Way is also expected to be delivered by developers, which would improve connections to Franklin Place and North Street.

A more detailed description of the A286 Oaklands Way Cycle Scheme options (opens in new window) is also available.

An image showing a raised table over Northgate car park access road junction and a wider shared use path. Two cyclists are crossing the junction in either direction and there is blue signage to indicate the presence of shared spaceAn artist impression showing Option 1 of the A286 Oaklands Way scheme at the Northgate car park access road junction In response to COVID-19 restrictions in 2020, the County Council introduced a temporary ‘pop-up’ cycle lane along the A286 between Northgate Gyratory and New Park Road roundabout. We have listened to the feedback received about that scheme which has been considered in the options presented.

A285 Chichester to Tangmere Sustainable Transport Corridor

This scheme would provide a continuous cycle route between Tangmere and Chichester city centre, connecting to the new developments of Shopwyke Lakes and Tangmere.

The route would mainly consist of a 3m two-way segregated cycle track alongside a 2m footway on the southern side of the A27 and A285 Westhampnett Road. However, where there is limited space available, it would not be possible to provide this separation and so instead there would be some smaller sections of shared use (i.e. walk/cycle) paths.

A section of third-party land would be required between Tangmere and Coach Road to keep the facility away from the A27. The proposals may require some additional vegetation removal/clearance and a small amount of land take. This includes the existing footpath between the A285 Westhampnett Road and Church Road, where agreement would be needed with the landowner to widen the path slightly into the former football ground. A small section of land may also be needed adjacent to the Newell Centre.

A more detailed description of the A285 Chichester to Tangmere Sustainable Transport Corridor scheme (opens in new window) is also available.

An artist impression showing a two way segregated cycle lane, separated from the road and footway by a kerb, on the A285 Westhampnett Road. A white line is down the middle of the cycle lane to separate cyclists in either direction and a white cycle symbol is painted to indicate it is a cycle lane. In the distance, St James' Road junction has traffic lights with toucan crossings. There is one pedestrian walking on the footway, and two cyclists in either direction. There are further pedestrians walking along the footway in the distanceAn artist impression of the A285 Chichester to Tangmere scheme, looking towards St James' Road junction on the A285

An artist impression showing a shared use path alongside Portfield Cemetery and the former football ground. The image shows a wide path with a wooden fence to the left and the existing brick wall to the right. Bollards with lit up cycle symbols are provided to mark the presence of cyclists and to provide some additional lighting, although a lamp column is present in the background. There is a cyclist in either direction and a pedestrian.An artist impression of the A285 Chichester to Tangmere scheme, looking at the shared use path alongside Portfield Cemetery


These schemes are not fully funded at this time, so your feedback will help us to shape further development of the designs and inform our decision on how to take the proposals forward, including helping to build the case for these schemes. The schemes are expected to be funded using developer contributions and central Government grants, such as those that are intended for active travel schemes.

Have your say

We are holding three drop-in events so that you can view our proposals for both schemes and speak to members of the project team:

  • Tuesday 28 November: Bassil Shippam Centre, Tozer Way, Chichester, PO19 7LG, from 5pm to 8pm
  • Thursday 30 November: Jubilee Hall, New Park Centre, New Park Road, Chichester, PO19 7XY, from 4pm to 8pm
  • Tuesday 5 December: Tangmere Village Centre, Malcolm Road, Tangmere, PO20 2HS, from 4pm to 8pm

We would love to hear what you think of our proposals to improve walking and cycling within Chichester, so please complete our survey (opens in new window). The consultation is open until 11:55pm on Monday 18 December 2023.

Next steps

Following the close of the consultation, all responses will be considered and analysed to help us in deciding what amendments may be needed to the designs and the next steps for the schemes, including building the case for funding the schemes. We will publish a consultation report to present the results of the analysis and show how the feedback has been considered.

Alternative formats and accessibility

If you require any of this information in an alternative format, then please contact us via email at or by telephone on 01243 642105 and we will do our best to assist you. If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have an NGT texting app installed on your computer, laptop or smartphone, you can contact us on 18001 01243 642105.

For more information about the accessibility of this website, please see our Accessibility tab (opens in new window) at the foot of the page.

Non-accessible content

Technical drawings - A more detailed version of the route maps. Additional text has been provided within the scheme summary documents to aid understanding.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We’re working to improve sustainable transport facilities and would like to understand your views on our proposals for A286 Oaklands Way between the Northgate Gyratory and College Lane, and A285 Chichester to Tangmere, between St. Pancras, Chichester and the A27 at Tangmere. 

    As well as helping to improve the health, wellbeing and safety of West Sussex residents, it is hoped that improving routes for sustainable transport, will support the local economy, reduce pollution, benefit users who do not have access to a car, and tackle climate change. This will also help achieve national targets for cycling and walking to be the natural first choice for many journeys with half of all journeys in towns and cities being cycled or walked by 2030.

    We want to hear your views on our proposals for A286 Oaklands Way and A285 Chichester to Tangmere. You can provide feedback to this consultation by completing this survey, which is split into four different sections. 

    • Section 1: About You
    • Section 2: Current travel habits – A286 Oaklands Way and A285 Westhampnett Road, Chichester to Tangmere
    • Section 3: Your views on our A286 Oaklands Way and A285 Westhampnett Road, Chichester to Tangmere proposals
    • Section 4: Inclusivity 

    You can provide feedback on both sets of proposals or select the one most relevant to you and your daily activities. 

    We will use your feedback from this survey, along with other information about the proposals, to help us in deciding what amendments may be needed to the designs and the next steps for our proposals.

    Before you complete this survey, please read the information on the Consultation webpage (opens in new window).

    This survey will close on Monday 18 December 2023 at 11:55pm.

    Privacy Statement

    West Sussex County Council will collect some personal data (e.g. age, sex) in order to comply with a statutory duty.  We will process this data in accordance with the 2018 Data Protection Act, General Data Protection Regulations and any subsequent relevant legislation. West Sussex County Council is registered as a Data Controller (Reg. No. Z6413427). The data you provide will not be used for any purpose other than that stated, and will be stored electronically for a period of up to 5 years before being appropriately destroyed. For further information about our Data Controller, please see West Sussex County Council's Privacy Policy (opens in new window)

    The data will be collected, processed and analysed by our consultants, WSP, on behalf of West Sussex County Council for the purpose of this engagement period only. For further information about WSP’s data protection policy please see WSP's Privacy Policy (opens in new window).

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Page last updated: 07 Jan 2025, 04:21 PM