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A259 Chichester to Bognor Regis Corridor Scheme Consultation Survey

We’re working to improve the transport network and would like to understand your views on our proposals for transport improvements on the A259 corridor between A27 at Chichester and A29 Shripney Lane, Bognor Regis. 

The proposals are part of the County Council’s transport strategy, which includes making walking, cycling and public transport more appealing options for short trips. By improving facilities for walking, cycling, public transport and reducing congestion, we will support the local economy, benefit people without access to a car, and reduce impacts on the environment. The proposals are part of a wider strategy that also includes improving the performance of the A27 and supporting the transition to electric vehicles.

As well as enabling West Sussex residents to live healthier lifestyles, it is hoped that improving transport infrastructure will support the local economy, reduce pollution, benefit users who do not have access to a car, and tackle climate change.

We want to hear your views on our proposals for the A259 Chichester to Bognor Regis corridor scheme. You can provide feedback to this consultation by completing this survey, which is split into four different sections. 

  • Section 1: About You
  • Section 2: Current travel habits
  • Section 3: Your views on our Chichester to Bognor Regis proposals
  • Section 4: Inclusivity 

We will use your feedback from this survey, along with other information about the proposals, to help us in deciding what amendments may be needed to the designs and the next steps for our proposals.

Before you complete this survey, please read the information above about the consultation.

This survey will close on Monday 11 November 2024 at 11:55pm.

Privacy Statement

West Sussex County Council will collect some personal data (e.g. age, sex) in order to comply with a statutory duty.  We will process this data in accordance with the 2018 Data Protection Act, General Data Protection Regulations and any subsequent relevant legislation. West Sussex County Council is registered as a Data Controller (Reg. No. Z6413427). The data you provide will not be used for any purpose other than that stated, and will be stored electronically for a period of up to 5 years before being appropriately destroyed. For further information about our Data Controller, please see West Sussex County Council's Privacy Policy (opens in new window)

The data will be collected, processed and analysed by our consultants, WSP, on behalf of West Sussex County Council for the purpose of this engagement period only. For further information about WSP’s data protection policy please see WSP's Privacy Policy (opens in new window).

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Section 1: About you


Are you responding as...? (Please select the option that best describes you)

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Maximum 255 characters



How did you find out about this engagement exercise? (Please select all that apply)

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Maximum 10 characters
