Durrington to Goring Transport Improvement Scheme

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Improving transport options between Durrington and Goring

This consultation ran from 11th March to 30th April 2024. The county council is currently reviewing next steps for the scheme following the consultation feedback received. The county council will publish the results of the consultation when it is possible to communicate these together with the next steps. The original consultation webpage text has been retained below.

We are working to improve the transport network across West Sussex. By making it safer, easier and more convenient to walk, cycle and use public transport, we can help to create more pleasant places in which to live, work, travel to school and do business.

We are consulting on proposals for transport improvements between Durrington and Goring, which have been developed as part of our transport strategy for Worthing.

The route has been identified as it is well used by local communities for short trips to access schools, jobs, rail and local services. A high proportion of these journeys are currently made by private car leading to congestion that also delays bus services, and facilities for walking and cycling are not joined-up, so there are opportunities for improvements that will benefit all road users. The proposals are part of a wider strategy that also includes improving the performance of the A27 and supporting the transition to electric vehicles.

You can comment on the proposals by completing our survey, which is available at the bottom of this webpage. The consultation is open until 11:55pm on Tuesday 30th April 2024.

Developing the proposals

The West Sussex Transport Plan 2022 – 2036 (opens in new window) is the County Council's plan to improve the transport network in West Sussex. The plan aims to address a number of challenges, including climate change, congestion, public health and road safety. Its priorities for the Worthing area include improvements to the A27, rail and bus services, electric vehicle charging infrastructure and facilities for walking and cycling.

Initial engagement

We undertook initial engagement in 2023 when we presented our early ideas for this scheme, alongside a separate scheme for improving the A24 Broadwater Road in Worthing. The feedback from this exercise showed that:

  • 54% of respondents were in favour of the Durrington-Goring scheme.
  • 53% of respondents were in support of the A24 Broadwater Road scheme.

Following the feedback received through this engagement exercise, including from Worthing Borough Council, it has been decided to prioritise taking forward the Durrington-Goring scheme to public consultation. Opportunities will be considered in the future to bring forward the A24 Broadwater Road scheme.

Please refer to the Early Engagement Summary Report (opens in new window) for more detail.

The proposals

The route was identified as having the potential for improvements because it connects schools, employers, Durrington-by-Sea railway station, services such as local shops and Worthing Leisure Centre, and the West Durrington development site, to Goring Seafront. Along some parts of the route, there is highway land that is not well used which could be utilised to provide improvements to walking, cycling and bus stop infrastructure, as well as increase capacity at the A2032 / The Boulevard / Durrington Lane roundabout. The scheme has the potential to deliver parts of Worthing Borough Council's Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan (opens in new window).

Please see the accompanying route map in the side panel for more information about the scheme.

Durrington to Goring Scheme

The proposals include a largely continuous cycle route between Durrington and Goring. Where space is available the route would mainly consist of a 2.5m to 3m two-way segregated cycle track alongside a 2m footway. However, where there is limited space available, in order to provide a continuous route it would be necessary to provide some sections of shared use (i.e. walk/cycle) paths, as well as some short sections of quiet on-road route.

The scheme also includes improvements to bus stops where space is available, including additional bus shelters and electronic real time information displays.

Road traffic capacity improvements are also proposed at the A2032 / The Boulevard / Durrington Lane roundabout which have been identified as part of the Worthing Local Plan.

A scheme summary route description (opens in new window) is also available.

A segregated footway and 2-way cycleway on the west side of George V Avenue approaching the Trent Road junction, with path reverting to shared use in the vicinity of trees in verge. Parking retained on both sides of road.An artist impression showing two-way segregated footway/cycle way along George V Avenue, in the direction of Trent Road

A raised table across the Willow Crescent junction on Columbia Drive, with shared use path around proposed bus shelter to the west of junction, with segregated footway and 2-way cycleway beyond bus shelter. An artist impression at the Columbia Drive and Willow Crescent junction looking at potential walking, cycling and bus shelter improvements


The scheme is not fully funded at this time but we are preparing the proposals in readiness for future central Government funding opportunities. Your feedback will help us to shape further development of the design and inform our decision on how to take the proposals forward, including helping to build the case for the scheme. The scheme is expected to be funded using developer contributions and central Government grants that are intended for schemes such as this.

Have your say

We are holding two drop-in events so that you can view our proposals for the scheme and speak to members of the project team:

  • Thursday 21 March: Worthing Leisure Centre, Shaftesbury Avenue, Worthing, BN12 4ET, from 2pm to 6pm
  • Monday 25 March: Durrington High School, The Boulevard, Worthing, BN13 1JX, from 4pm to 8pm

We would love to hear what you think of our proposals to improve the transport network between Durrington and Goring, so please complete our survey (opens in new window). The consultation is open until 11:55pm on Tuesday 30 April 2024.

Next steps

Following the close of the consultation, all responses will be considered and analysed to help us in deciding what amendments may be needed to the designs and the next steps for the scheme, including building the case for scheme funding. We will publish a consultation report to present the results of the analysis and show how the feedback has been considered.

Alternative formats and accessibility

If you require any of this information in an alternative format, then please contact us via email at LTP@westsussex.gov.uk or by telephone on 01243 642105 and we will do our best to assist you. If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have an NGT texting app installed on your computer, laptop or smartphone, you can contact us on 18001 01243 642105.

Please note, you can use the Google Translate function to access this project in a range of different languages. The Google Translate widget can be found at the top left-hand side of the project page, where it sits just above the black West Sussex County Council ribbon.

For more information about the accessibility of this website, please see our Accessibility tab (opens in new window) at the foot of the page.

Non-accessible content

Public facing maps and technical drawings - additional text has been provided within the scheme summary document to aid understanding.

Improving transport options between Durrington and Goring

This consultation ran from 11th March to 30th April 2024. The county council is currently reviewing next steps for the scheme following the consultation feedback received. The county council will publish the results of the consultation when it is possible to communicate these together with the next steps. The original consultation webpage text has been retained below.

We are working to improve the transport network across West Sussex. By making it safer, easier and more convenient to walk, cycle and use public transport, we can help to create more pleasant places in which to live, work, travel to school and do business.

We are consulting on proposals for transport improvements between Durrington and Goring, which have been developed as part of our transport strategy for Worthing.

The route has been identified as it is well used by local communities for short trips to access schools, jobs, rail and local services. A high proportion of these journeys are currently made by private car leading to congestion that also delays bus services, and facilities for walking and cycling are not joined-up, so there are opportunities for improvements that will benefit all road users. The proposals are part of a wider strategy that also includes improving the performance of the A27 and supporting the transition to electric vehicles.

You can comment on the proposals by completing our survey, which is available at the bottom of this webpage. The consultation is open until 11:55pm on Tuesday 30th April 2024.

Developing the proposals

The West Sussex Transport Plan 2022 – 2036 (opens in new window) is the County Council's plan to improve the transport network in West Sussex. The plan aims to address a number of challenges, including climate change, congestion, public health and road safety. Its priorities for the Worthing area include improvements to the A27, rail and bus services, electric vehicle charging infrastructure and facilities for walking and cycling.

Initial engagement

We undertook initial engagement in 2023 when we presented our early ideas for this scheme, alongside a separate scheme for improving the A24 Broadwater Road in Worthing. The feedback from this exercise showed that:

  • 54% of respondents were in favour of the Durrington-Goring scheme.
  • 53% of respondents were in support of the A24 Broadwater Road scheme.

Following the feedback received through this engagement exercise, including from Worthing Borough Council, it has been decided to prioritise taking forward the Durrington-Goring scheme to public consultation. Opportunities will be considered in the future to bring forward the A24 Broadwater Road scheme.

Please refer to the Early Engagement Summary Report (opens in new window) for more detail.

The proposals

The route was identified as having the potential for improvements because it connects schools, employers, Durrington-by-Sea railway station, services such as local shops and Worthing Leisure Centre, and the West Durrington development site, to Goring Seafront. Along some parts of the route, there is highway land that is not well used which could be utilised to provide improvements to walking, cycling and bus stop infrastructure, as well as increase capacity at the A2032 / The Boulevard / Durrington Lane roundabout. The scheme has the potential to deliver parts of Worthing Borough Council's Local Cycling & Walking Infrastructure Plan (opens in new window).

Please see the accompanying route map in the side panel for more information about the scheme.

Durrington to Goring Scheme

The proposals include a largely continuous cycle route between Durrington and Goring. Where space is available the route would mainly consist of a 2.5m to 3m two-way segregated cycle track alongside a 2m footway. However, where there is limited space available, in order to provide a continuous route it would be necessary to provide some sections of shared use (i.e. walk/cycle) paths, as well as some short sections of quiet on-road route.

The scheme also includes improvements to bus stops where space is available, including additional bus shelters and electronic real time information displays.

Road traffic capacity improvements are also proposed at the A2032 / The Boulevard / Durrington Lane roundabout which have been identified as part of the Worthing Local Plan.

A scheme summary route description (opens in new window) is also available.

A segregated footway and 2-way cycleway on the west side of George V Avenue approaching the Trent Road junction, with path reverting to shared use in the vicinity of trees in verge. Parking retained on both sides of road.An artist impression showing two-way segregated footway/cycle way along George V Avenue, in the direction of Trent Road

A raised table across the Willow Crescent junction on Columbia Drive, with shared use path around proposed bus shelter to the west of junction, with segregated footway and 2-way cycleway beyond bus shelter. An artist impression at the Columbia Drive and Willow Crescent junction looking at potential walking, cycling and bus shelter improvements


The scheme is not fully funded at this time but we are preparing the proposals in readiness for future central Government funding opportunities. Your feedback will help us to shape further development of the design and inform our decision on how to take the proposals forward, including helping to build the case for the scheme. The scheme is expected to be funded using developer contributions and central Government grants that are intended for schemes such as this.

Have your say

We are holding two drop-in events so that you can view our proposals for the scheme and speak to members of the project team:

  • Thursday 21 March: Worthing Leisure Centre, Shaftesbury Avenue, Worthing, BN12 4ET, from 2pm to 6pm
  • Monday 25 March: Durrington High School, The Boulevard, Worthing, BN13 1JX, from 4pm to 8pm

We would love to hear what you think of our proposals to improve the transport network between Durrington and Goring, so please complete our survey (opens in new window). The consultation is open until 11:55pm on Tuesday 30 April 2024.

Next steps

Following the close of the consultation, all responses will be considered and analysed to help us in deciding what amendments may be needed to the designs and the next steps for the scheme, including building the case for scheme funding. We will publish a consultation report to present the results of the analysis and show how the feedback has been considered.

Alternative formats and accessibility

If you require any of this information in an alternative format, then please contact us via email at LTP@westsussex.gov.uk or by telephone on 01243 642105 and we will do our best to assist you. If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have an NGT texting app installed on your computer, laptop or smartphone, you can contact us on 18001 01243 642105.

Please note, you can use the Google Translate function to access this project in a range of different languages. The Google Translate widget can be found at the top left-hand side of the project page, where it sits just above the black West Sussex County Council ribbon.

For more information about the accessibility of this website, please see our Accessibility tab (opens in new window) at the foot of the page.

Non-accessible content

Public facing maps and technical drawings - additional text has been provided within the scheme summary document to aid understanding.

Page last updated: 07 Jan 2025, 04:17 PM