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Children in Care Council - Consultation Request Form


This form has been created for competion by those who would like to consult with the West Sussex Children in Care Council.

Accessibility statement:

If you need this information in an alternative format, please contact us on 0330 2222 146 and If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have an NGT texting app installed on your computer, laptop or smartphone, you can contact us on 18001 0330 2222 146.

We are committed making this website accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018. West Sussex County Council has created an Accessibility Statement, and details about the general accessibility of the Have Your Say Consultation Hub can be found by clicking on the 'Accessibility tab'  right at the bottom of the page.


Phone: 0330 222 3314