Training Assurance Survey
In February 2024 the West Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) published a Safeguarding Adults Review in respect of Clare (opens in new window). This Review made a recommendation in relation to the SAB seeking assurance of the training received by staff in our partner agencies. The recommendation is as follows:
Recommendation 3: Training programmes on risk, safeguarding adults, mental capacity and autism: WSSAB, Learning & Policy subgroup, to oversee compliance with training provision, commensurate with specific roles; covering Risk Management, incorporating professional curiosity and active listening; Safeguarding Adults, incorporating reporting and threshold decisions; Mental Capacity Assessments and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS), incorporating risk-based and decision-specific judgements; and learning disability and autism mandatory training.
To seek this assurance we have created a short survey for professionals. This should take no more than 15 minutes to complete and only needs to be completed by one person on behalf of your agency.
Many thanks in advance for your time completing this. Your response is necessary and key in providing assurance on behalf of your agency.
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