Which team/organisation/agency do you work for?
Maximum 255 characters
What is your role within this team/organisation/agency?
Would you be happy for us to contact you to discuss your responses? If so, please enter your email address..
Which of the above key areas is most relevant to your own area of interest or work?
How clear are you about the processes for children and young people being discharged from mental health provisions?
How clear are you about the processes for children and young people who are receiving Education Other Than At School (EOTAS) packages?
How clear are you about the statutory processes around children and young people not attending school for medical reasons?
How would you prefer to receive communication about each of the key areas?
As we develop our processes around each of these three key areas, how do you feel you and/or your organisation/agency could be involved in this development?
Is there any other information you would like to share with us about any of these three areas, their relevance to you, how clear you are about these areas and how you'd like to be able to access/receive information going forward?