Specialist Advisory Teachers Early Years SEND Transition
Who are we?
We support schools and other agencies to plan and enable a positive experience for children with additional needs as they transition from home and/or pre-school to Reception.
These new roles are part of the council’s SEND and Inclusion Strategy, (2019-2024). They work closely with the SEND and Inclusion Advisers, and the Standards and Effectiveness team.
What we do
We currently provide advice and guidance to schools to support the transition of children with additional needs into Reception. Schools can refer children to this service at any time, in consultation with parents.
Other teams, such as Portage, the Fair Access Team and SENAT can also refer children to this service, in consultation with parents. The referral forms can be accessed via the SEND and Inclusion Advisory Team webpage on Services for Schools.
SAT’s attend locality ‘SEND Under 5’s’ meetings with the Early Years and Childcare Team to discuss support for pre-schools, children and their families, to help them plan a successful transition to school.
In the future SAT’s hope to offer bespoke training for schools regarding specific areas of Early Years SEND transition and a bookable telephone consultation service.
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