SEND and Inclusion Advisers Bespoke Training and Consultancy

We offer bespoke training and consultation options for schools, tailored closely to your needs. If you want a more personalised package than our centralised training options, this is the option for you.
See our dedicated page to learn more and read some testimonials!
Here's a flavour of what we can cover:
- Work with leaders in primary, secondary, special and schools with specialist support centres
- INSET days (early booking is recommended for popular dates)
- Staff meetings
- Governor training in relation to SEND and inclusion
- Class teacher training
- Support staff training
- School improvement consultancy for SEND and inclusion
- Consultancy for action planning for SEND and inclusion
- Bespoke support for new to role SENCos
- And loads more - just ask!
See the training section of West Sussex Services for Schools for what we already deliver centrally. We can offer all of our listed central training courses to whole school teams on site, but can also create bespoke packages to meet your contextual areas of need.
We're very happy to deliver virtual sessions to whole-school teams if you prefer to work in this way, though also enjoy the face to face interaction that on-site delivery facilitates.
Talk to one of the SEND & Inclusion Advisers to find out more!
Our contact details are on the right-hand side of this page
Bespoke Training
We love developing new training packages to meet the needs of our individual schools, and know that each has its unique strategic priorities.
Here are a few of the bespoke titles that we have created so far:
- Adapting Teaching for Pupils with SEND
- An Introduction to Using the West Sussex Ordinarily Available Inclusive Practice Guide
- Making the Best Use of Teaching Assistants
- How Support Staff Contribute to Teaching and Learning
- An Introduction to Special Educational Needs - for School Governors
- Reviewing Small Steps of Progress
- Supporting Transition Effectively
- SMART Targets, the Graduated Response and the Assess, Plan, Do, Review Cycle
Our team are experienced practitioners of SEND and inclusive practice, offering a wealth of expertise and in depth knowledge of important legislation. We really enjoy working with our schools in this way, building relationships and discovering each setting's strengths and areas for development.
We offer bespoke consultancy, available by the half or full day. This can be purchased through the store area of West Sussex Services for Schools, where you will find all pricing details. If you'd like to discuss what we can do for you, please drop us an email or call us. All contact details are on the right hand side of this page.
Here are some things you may want our support with:
- considering whole school inclusive practice
- audit or review of provision for a particular need type
- support for new to role SENCos
- mentoring or professional development support for SENCos
- consultation or training for locality groups of schools
- support for governors to consider inclusion
We're happy to to discuss any of your consultancy needs in relation to SEND and inclusive practice - we love a challenge and working with practitioners who are as passionate about inclusion as we are!
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100% of our customer feedback so far indicates that our schools are highly satisfied with the support we deliver - this is something we are extremely proud of.
Here's what some of our schools have been saying about our work...
"Supportive session, non-judgmental, informative and very helpful!" - Class Teacher regarding bespoke training.
"[What I enjoyed most is] the easy presenting style and the clear coverage of area we need to focus on [and the] positive message that is behind the training." - Middle Leader regarding bespoke INSET.
"Thank you. [X] and I spoke after yesterday's training and agreed that was the best Governors' training we have ever had. It hit the mark, and shock of shocks, it actually left me wanting more. Never had that feeling before! Hence, we agreed to look at booking in another SEND session with you on being inclusive." - School Governor regarding bespoke training.
"We had a clear message shared with a very knowledgeable advisor, which led to greater confidence of staff in adapting learning for our SEND / vulnerable children." - Headteacher regarding bespoke training.
"[The SEND and Inclusion Adviser] is extremely knowledgeable and provided exactly what we asked for in the training." - SENCo regarding bespoke training.
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