School Gates

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Image of active travel with two people riding bicycles on a cycle path


As part of the Government’s Active Travel Fund (ATF) initiative the County Council is consulting interested parties regarding a number of improvements across West Sussex.

Following successful bids to Central Government the County Council has subsequently secured DfT funding to deliver 6 schemes that support its approach to active travel that aim to:

  • make walking and cycling to work, education and leisure activities more attractive
  • improve health and wellbeing by offering eco-friendly travel choices
  • broaden travel choices by offering safer, quick and easy walking and cycling options, particularly for short journeys
  • support zero emission journeys and reduce reliance on car travel.

These proposed improvements are included in the WSCC Cycling and Walking Strategy as a priority together with forming part of the West Sussex Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP). The £850,000 schemes will help create links with local communities and encourage walking and cycling to and from schools.

WSCC is now seeking views from local communities to gather data on how these schemes will be received if the proposed changes were to go ahead. A list of the proposed schemes can be viewed below:

A283 Steyning Road, Shoreham

Aim – to provide a safer crossing point for pedestrians and cyclists to access the river-side foot and cycleway to enable improved access between St Nicholas Lane, the town centre, Shoreham Toll Bridge and the Downs Link.

The proposals include -

  • Push button controlled traffic signal crossing for pedestrians and cyclists (known as a Toucan crossing)
  • Widening and resurfacing of the footways immediately adjacent to the crossing
  • Installation of high friction surfacing to improve safety for those on the crossing
  • Retention of the existing bus stop
  • Advanced signing

A283 Steyning Road, Shoreham Drawing

Gatwick Road, Crawley

Aim – to provide a safer crossing point for pedestrians close to the Gatwick School providing improved access to local businesses, school and the bus stops.

The proposals include –

  • Push button controlled traffic signal crossing for pedestrians
  • Widening and resurfacing of the footways immediately adjacent to the crossing
  • Resurfacing of the road to allow installation of high friction surfacing to improve safety for those on the crossing
  • Retention of the existing bus stops
  • Retention of the existing bus lane

Gatwick School Drawing

A259 Bognor Regis to Chichester

Aim – to provide a safer crossing point for pedestrians and cyclists, particularly for those cycling between Bognor and Chichester and for those using the bus stops. As well as making improvements at a number of locations along the existing foot/cycleway.

The proposals include –

  • Push button controlled traffic signal crossing for pedestrians and cyclists (known as a Toucan crossing),
  • Although there will be a refuge island in the middle of the road, the traffic signals will be red to road users in both directions at the same time allowing pedestrians and cyclists to cross the whole road at one time.
  • Replacement of the existing pedestrian refuge island
  • Creation of a new footway between the proposed crossing the bus stop on the south side
  • Resurfacing of the road to allow installation of high friction surfacing to improve safety for those on the crossing
  • Retention of the existing bus stops
  • Consideration of a 50mph speed limit to replace the derestricted section from the Drayton Lane roundabout to the start of the 40mph limit on the outskirts of Bognor Regis.
  • Small scale improvements to the surfacing and signing of the foot/cycleway between Bognor Regis and A27 Chichester bypass.

A259 Bognor to Chichester Drawing

River Road, Littlehampton

Aim – to provide opportunity for cyclists to use River Road in the opposite direction to the current one-way street. This will provide a safer route for cyclists than using the B2187 Terminus Road up to Ferry Footbridge.

The proposals include –

  • An on-road advisory cycle route from Terminus Place to Ferry Footbridge
  • Road markings and signs to highlight the start and end of the route
  • Road markings and signs to indicate the presence of cyclists on the road in River Road
  • Additional signs to help cyclists find their way to and from locations to the south and the existing cycle networks

River Road Drawing 1 of 2

River Road Drawing 2 of 2

Cross Street, Worthing

Aim – to provide opportunity for cyclists to use Cross Street in the opposite direction to the current one-way street. This will provide a safer route for cyclists from the rail station to South Farm road.

The proposals include –

  • An on-road advisory cycle route from Victoria Road to South Farm Road
  • Coloured road surface to highlight the start of the cycle route at Victoria Road
  • Road markings and signs to indicate the presence of cyclists on the road in Cross Street
  • Additional road markings and signs at the junction with South Farm Road
  • The loss of 1 parking space at the eastern end to provide a safer route for cyclists near to the existing zebra crossing.

Cross Street Drawing

Dale Avenue, Hassocks

Aim – to improve the walking and cycling route in Hassocks connecting to Downlands School.

The proposals include –

  • Improvements to footways on Keymer Road and Dale Avenue
  • Road markings, road signs and footway surfacing to highlight the presence of pedestrians and cyclists
  • Improvements to the existing traffic signal controlled crossing on Keymer Road to enable use by cyclists too.

Dale Avenue Drawing 1 of 4

Dale Avenue Drawing 2 of 4

Dale Avenue Drawing 3 of 4

Dale Avenue Drawing 4 of 4

Please note, Dale Avenue is actually part of a wider aspiration route that we are progressing between Sayers Common and Downlands School, Hassocks. We also have plans for the Hurstpierpoint section of the wider route. Construction of the Dale Avenue section will be funded from the ATF but the Hurstpierpoint section will be funded internally.

The School Gate and Active Travel programme were the subject of a public engagement exercise between July 19th and August 15th 2021. A detailed report is now available and can be viewed here

Have your say

Full public consultation is now open for all the above schemes.

We would welcome your views on the online questionnaire.


As part of the Government’s Active Travel Fund (ATF) initiative the County Council is consulting interested parties regarding a number of improvements across West Sussex.

Following successful bids to Central Government the County Council has subsequently secured DfT funding to deliver 6 schemes that support its approach to active travel that aim to:

  • make walking and cycling to work, education and leisure activities more attractive
  • improve health and wellbeing by offering eco-friendly travel choices
  • broaden travel choices by offering safer, quick and easy walking and cycling options, particularly for short journeys
  • support zero emission journeys and reduce reliance on car travel.

These proposed improvements are included in the WSCC Cycling and Walking Strategy as a priority together with forming part of the West Sussex Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP). The £850,000 schemes will help create links with local communities and encourage walking and cycling to and from schools.

WSCC is now seeking views from local communities to gather data on how these schemes will be received if the proposed changes were to go ahead. A list of the proposed schemes can be viewed below:

A283 Steyning Road, Shoreham

Aim – to provide a safer crossing point for pedestrians and cyclists to access the river-side foot and cycleway to enable improved access between St Nicholas Lane, the town centre, Shoreham Toll Bridge and the Downs Link.

The proposals include -

  • Push button controlled traffic signal crossing for pedestrians and cyclists (known as a Toucan crossing)
  • Widening and resurfacing of the footways immediately adjacent to the crossing
  • Installation of high friction surfacing to improve safety for those on the crossing
  • Retention of the existing bus stop
  • Advanced signing

A283 Steyning Road, Shoreham Drawing

Gatwick Road, Crawley

Aim – to provide a safer crossing point for pedestrians close to the Gatwick School providing improved access to local businesses, school and the bus stops.

The proposals include –

  • Push button controlled traffic signal crossing for pedestrians
  • Widening and resurfacing of the footways immediately adjacent to the crossing
  • Resurfacing of the road to allow installation of high friction surfacing to improve safety for those on the crossing
  • Retention of the existing bus stops
  • Retention of the existing bus lane

Gatwick School Drawing

A259 Bognor Regis to Chichester

Aim – to provide a safer crossing point for pedestrians and cyclists, particularly for those cycling between Bognor and Chichester and for those using the bus stops. As well as making improvements at a number of locations along the existing foot/cycleway.

The proposals include –

  • Push button controlled traffic signal crossing for pedestrians and cyclists (known as a Toucan crossing),
  • Although there will be a refuge island in the middle of the road, the traffic signals will be red to road users in both directions at the same time allowing pedestrians and cyclists to cross the whole road at one time.
  • Replacement of the existing pedestrian refuge island
  • Creation of a new footway between the proposed crossing the bus stop on the south side
  • Resurfacing of the road to allow installation of high friction surfacing to improve safety for those on the crossing
  • Retention of the existing bus stops
  • Consideration of a 50mph speed limit to replace the derestricted section from the Drayton Lane roundabout to the start of the 40mph limit on the outskirts of Bognor Regis.
  • Small scale improvements to the surfacing and signing of the foot/cycleway between Bognor Regis and A27 Chichester bypass.

A259 Bognor to Chichester Drawing

River Road, Littlehampton

Aim – to provide opportunity for cyclists to use River Road in the opposite direction to the current one-way street. This will provide a safer route for cyclists than using the B2187 Terminus Road up to Ferry Footbridge.

The proposals include –

  • An on-road advisory cycle route from Terminus Place to Ferry Footbridge
  • Road markings and signs to highlight the start and end of the route
  • Road markings and signs to indicate the presence of cyclists on the road in River Road
  • Additional signs to help cyclists find their way to and from locations to the south and the existing cycle networks

River Road Drawing 1 of 2

River Road Drawing 2 of 2

Cross Street, Worthing

Aim – to provide opportunity for cyclists to use Cross Street in the opposite direction to the current one-way street. This will provide a safer route for cyclists from the rail station to South Farm road.

The proposals include –

  • An on-road advisory cycle route from Victoria Road to South Farm Road
  • Coloured road surface to highlight the start of the cycle route at Victoria Road
  • Road markings and signs to indicate the presence of cyclists on the road in Cross Street
  • Additional road markings and signs at the junction with South Farm Road
  • The loss of 1 parking space at the eastern end to provide a safer route for cyclists near to the existing zebra crossing.

Cross Street Drawing

Dale Avenue, Hassocks

Aim – to improve the walking and cycling route in Hassocks connecting to Downlands School.

The proposals include –

  • Improvements to footways on Keymer Road and Dale Avenue
  • Road markings, road signs and footway surfacing to highlight the presence of pedestrians and cyclists
  • Improvements to the existing traffic signal controlled crossing on Keymer Road to enable use by cyclists too.

Dale Avenue Drawing 1 of 4

Dale Avenue Drawing 2 of 4

Dale Avenue Drawing 3 of 4

Dale Avenue Drawing 4 of 4

Please note, Dale Avenue is actually part of a wider aspiration route that we are progressing between Sayers Common and Downlands School, Hassocks. We also have plans for the Hurstpierpoint section of the wider route. Construction of the Dale Avenue section will be funded from the ATF but the Hurstpierpoint section will be funded internally.

The School Gate and Active Travel programme were the subject of a public engagement exercise between July 19th and August 15th 2021. A detailed report is now available and can be viewed here

Have your say

Full public consultation is now open for all the above schemes.

We would welcome your views on the online questionnaire.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    How to have your say

    Please ensure you have read all the materials provided before responding.

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Page last updated: 14 Dec 2021, 12:52 PM