Riparian survey

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A ditch with vegetation on its banks

This is a short survey for town and parish councils to help us understand riparian issues. If you are not a parish council, but are concerned about flooding, please do not complete this survey – visit Flooding - West Sussex County Council.

Privacy statement:

West Sussex County Council will collect some personal data (e.g. age, sex) in order to comply with a statutory duty. We will process this data in accordance with the 2018 Data Protection Act, General Data Protection Regulations and any subsequent relevant legislation. West Sussex County Council is registered as a Data Controller (Reg. No. Z6413427). The data your provide will not be used for any purpose other than that stated, and will be stored electronically for a period of up to 5 years before being appropriately destroyed. For further information about our Data Controller, please see

The data will be collected, processed and analysed by our consultants, WSP, on behalf of West Sussex County Council for the purpose of this survey only. For further information about WSP’s data protection policy please see

Alternative formats:

If you require any of the information for this project in an alternative format, please contact us on 01243 642105 or via email at and we will do our best to assist you. If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have an NGT texting app installed on your computer, laptop or smartphone, you can contact us on 18001 (01243 642105).

This is a short survey for town and parish councils to help us understand riparian issues. If you are not a parish council, but are concerned about flooding, please do not complete this survey – visit Flooding - West Sussex County Council.

Privacy statement:

West Sussex County Council will collect some personal data (e.g. age, sex) in order to comply with a statutory duty. We will process this data in accordance with the 2018 Data Protection Act, General Data Protection Regulations and any subsequent relevant legislation. West Sussex County Council is registered as a Data Controller (Reg. No. Z6413427). The data your provide will not be used for any purpose other than that stated, and will be stored electronically for a period of up to 5 years before being appropriately destroyed. For further information about our Data Controller, please see

The data will be collected, processed and analysed by our consultants, WSP, on behalf of West Sussex County Council for the purpose of this survey only. For further information about WSP’s data protection policy please see

Alternative formats:

If you require any of the information for this project in an alternative format, please contact us on 01243 642105 or via email at and we will do our best to assist you. If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have an NGT texting app installed on your computer, laptop or smartphone, you can contact us on 18001 (01243 642105).

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 16 Dec 2024, 08:36 AM