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Tell us what you think about pharmacies in West Sussex

This is a survey of the public's use of pharmacies in West Sussex and forms part of Public Health's Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2025

0% answered


If you needed a prescription medicine, where would you get it from?


Why do you usually visit a pharmacy or dispensing GP? Choose as many as apply


If you collect prescriptions for somebody else, who do you look after, or give any help or support to?  Choose as many as apply


How often have you visited or contacted a pharmacy in the last six months?

Maximum 10 characters


(optional – this will be used for analytical purposes only; your data will remain confidential)

What time is the most convenient for you to use a pharmacy?


In the last 12 months have you needed to use pharmacy services on a bank holiday?


How do you usually travel to the pharmacy?


How long does it usually take you to travel to your pharmacy?


Overall, how satisfied, or dissatisfied are you with the pharmacy services in West Sussex?

Maximum 255 characters


Your details will only be used to contact you to take part in further research - your answers to the survey will remain anonymous
Your email will only be used to send you the link to view and comment on the report