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Being a Children First Leader- pre + post questionnaire Feb '25

*** Please only complete this activity if invited to do so by Nicholas Rozee ***

About this questionnaire

Thank you for investing precious time and energy taking part in the first ever CYPL Being a Children First Leader course in February. 

This activity will help us to measure what difference taking part in the programme has made for you.

We'll ask you to respond to the questions based on how you would have felt BEFORE the course and then how you feel having taken part recently.

There is no right nor wrong, good nor bad, answer. Please respond based on what you think. We'll combine your responses with those of other colleagues who joined us this month and report on them anonymously, for example to CYPL DLT. We will not associate your answers with your name in these reports.

Kind regards,

Melanie Spencer

Principle Social Worker, CYPL

Nicholas Rozee

Organisational Development Consultant, WSCC

Ready to complete the questionnaire?

Before you start, find a time and place where you will not be interrupted.

0% answered

Personal Details

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Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters
