Amalgamation of Littlehaven Infant School and Northolmes Junior School in Horsham
Summary of proposals
To create an all-through primary school, by amalgamating Littlehaven Infant School and Northolmes Junior School with effect from September 2025. This proposal would establish a Year R – Year 6 provision serving the local community, enabling families to benefit from a teaching and learning experience for their children located on one school site, offering Early Years to KS2 progression.
An amalgamation of two schools takes place by increasing the age range of one school and closing another. In this case, Northolmes Junior School would increase its age range for age 7 – 11 (Y3 – Y6) to become an age 4 – 11 (YR – Y6) all through primary school and Littlehaven Infant School would close from September 2025.
Littlehaven Infant School and Northolmes Junior School already federated in September 2014 to become part of the Greenfields Federation. Governors have previously held discussions with advisors from West Sussex County Council (WSCC) to look at how best to secure the long-term future of the schools in providing the highest quality teaching and learning experience.
Need for change
One of the Federation’s priorities was to review the budget and effectiveness of the two schools who already work closely in collaboration. Each school now shares a Governing Body, Headteacher and two Assistant Headteachers.
After discussions, and with advice from WSCC, the Governing Body has decided that creating one single educational provision on one school site would provide a more effective model of teaching and learning and address the falling demand for school places in the wider community area which impacts upon school budgets.
The proposal
The all-through primary school would be accommodated of the Northolmes Junior School site with modifications to some of the buildings to cater for Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 pupils. This proposed amalgamation will be achieved by increasing the age range of Northolmes Junior School to become a YR – Y6 all-through primary school and by closing the Littlehaven Infant School and site with effect from September 2025.
Staff are our most valuable resource and it is important that should there be any need for changes these are dealt with fairly and sensitively. The County Council has a Code of Practice on school reorganisation, written with the support of the unions and professional associations and is designed to support all staff through the process of change.
Jack and Jill Pre-school and wrap around care
The Governors recognise the excellent work of the Jack and Jill Pre-school at Littlehaven and Northolmes and wish to see this provision retained, but accommodated solely on the Northolmes site to align with the new primary.
The Littlehaven School Site
The proposal would release the Littlehaven School Site from use as an Infant School. Alternatives are under discussion, particularly the possibility of the site being repurposed for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. We would welcome your suggestions should the proposal go ahead.
Statutory Notices/Representations
The public consultation is a two-stage process, initially an informal consultation took place over a four week period (22 February - 21 March 2024) At the end of this period, and following analysis of the comments received, the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Learning and Skills, Jacquie Russell, took the decision to publish statutory notices. The formal statutory notice period ran for a four week period from 21 November 2024 - 19 December 2024.
Full details of the statutory proposal are in the documents, a printed copy was also attainable by emailing the address below. Comments or representations could be made by emailing Representations could not be a repeat of information or views already provided during the informal consultation that ran from 22 February 2024 to 21 March 2024.
A decision was published by Cllr Jacquie Russell, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Education and Skills, on 17th January 2025 to proceed with the amalgamation of the two schools. The implementation date is September 2025 with a view that the children will move onto the Northolmes site not later than September 2026 when remodelling of the school buildings is complete.
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