Individual Support Plan (ISP) Development

A graduated response template, the ‘Individual Support Plan’ (ISP) is being co-developed in collaboration with pilot schools and local authority officers.
Schools and settings in the pilot have told us that a universal West Sussex template needs to:
- Develop consistency of practice across and within schools and settings
- Aid early identification of need and equipping class teachers to develop their understanding of the needs of the child or young person that they work with prior to SENCo involvement
- Be transferable so that the information can easily be shared between and within schools and settings
- As practical as possible
- Capture the impact of intervention so this can be meaningfully shared with services and parents and carers
- Strengthen the review phase of the graduated approach and support progression between assess, plan, do and review cycles
- Develop a holistic understanding of the child or young person over time.
We have structured the form based on feedback from schools and settings.
Our work so far:
The ISP has been piloted in the Burgess Hill and Hassocks area during the academic year 2021 to 2022. We are very grateful to the schools, settings and local authority teams who have provided feedback. Based on information received, the ISP and guidance has been updated. After the 2022 SENCo Conference many schools and settings in West Sussex have shown interest in this work. To support good practice in other schools and settings the latest version of the pilot documents are being made available.
The Early Years version of the ISP, which has been co-produced and piloted with Early Years settings can also be downloaded on this page. This template has been designed to build upon and facilitate effective early years practice and to establish a robust graduated response to support transition to school. Further information on how to use the EY ISP is given in the guidance document.
Both the school age and early years templates will be piloted more broadly across West Sussex from September 2022.
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