Enhanced Partnership Statutory Stakeholder Consultation

In March 2021, the government published a new National Bus Strategy (Bus Back Better) which sets out its vision to dramatically improve bus services in England, reverse the shift in journeys away from public transport as a result of Covid-19 and encourage passengers back to buses.
Central to the strategy is the creation of Enhanced Partnerships, where local authorities, bus operators and other key stakeholders work together to develop and implement bus service improvements for local communities. The West Sussex Enhanced Partnership will set out how we will deliver the outcomes of our Bus Service Improvement Plan, published in October 2021 following engagement with the public, operators, and other key stakeholders.
The West Sussex Enhanced Partnership Plan and Scheme documents detail the proposed improvements the Partnership is aiming to make, and the actions needed to achieve them:
Why we are consulting
We would like to hear from organisations and individual stakeholders who have an interest in making bus services work better.
The consultation questionnaire is provided to review the themes and content of the initial Enhanced Partnership Plan and Scheme documents, together with any other comments or concerns you may have.
Please share your views by midnight on Tuesday 3 January 2023.
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