Results of initial survey
We would like to thank everyone who took the time to participate in the first stage of this consultation, which was open for six weeks from 21 June 2024 and closed on 2 August 2024. The briefing document and Payment Schedules Modelling Tool will continue to be available for you to use.
We have reviewed your feedback on the three options we presented. As a reminder, these were:
- two payments per term; one Estimate and one Actuals (Estimates moving to beginning of the term),
- monthly payments; multiple Estimate payments with a final Actuals payments at the beginning of the final month of the term, and
- three payments per term; two Estimate payments one Actuals payment.
In advance of the second stage of the consultation, which is due to launch in October 2024, please read the findings from the initial survey. This includes a breakdown of the responses which may aid you in considering the impact of options for your provision going forward.
To summarise our preliminary conclusions:
- Two payments per term was the most popular option, but there is significant demand for monthly payments.
- There was insufficient support for three payments per term. Consequently, we are unlikely to pursue this further, though we appreciate everyone’s feedback on this option.
- We are currently exploring the possibility of simultaneously allowing providers to either receive up to two payments per term or monthly payments.
Whilst participation in the initial survey was optional, we will require a response from all Early Years Funded Entitlement providers for the second part of the consultation. This will ensure we gather the perspectives of all providers. It will also give us an indication of how many providers would choose a particular option. We will communicate in a future newsletter when the second stage of the consultation opens.
Thank you to those providers who volunteered to be part of a focus group or to participate in a pilot. We will reach out in due course to let you know more.
Next steps include:
- Determine viable options for early years and childcare providers to consider.
- Further consultation regarding options available will take place in October 2024.
- Outline roles and responsibilities for focus and pilot groups.
- Work with providers to agree lead-in time and roll out of any changes to payment schedules.
(Note this article was originally published in the Early Years Funding Special Newsletter on Monday 9 September 2024)

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