CYPP Consultation and Feedback

The CYPP consultation closed on Sunday 26th June 2022. The CYPP is about and for all children and young people in West Sussex and sets out the partnership’s shared priorities and ambitions for the next few years. Please watch this space for the Live Version of the Children and Young People's Plan which will be uploaded soon.
Thank you to those who responded to the various questions and for making such a valuable contribution to the Children and Young People’s Plan, the implementation of which, over its three-year life, will be regularly evaluated and improved on an ongoing basis, to ensure it continues to demonstrate the Children First Partnership’s commitment to ensuring children and young people always come first.
We have included a summary of the completed surveys and group discussions in the attached “CYPP Consultation Dashboard”. Here you can find both the numerical data from the surveys, and also a summary of the voices of those who participated. Through the feedback received, the CYP Plan now has five priorities in place of the original three that were suggested. We have worked with groups of Young People in the design of the Plan, taking on the feedback around its accessibility to all.