Children and Young People's Plan (2022 to 2025)

The Live Version of the Children and Young People’s Plan
Available now to download and view through the link on the right of this page!
We are excited to share with you the Live Version of the Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP). The CYPP is about and for all children and young people in West Sussex and sets out the partnership’s shared priorities and ambitions for the next few years.
Thank you to all who responded to the consultation and for making such a valuable contribution to the Children and Young People’s Plan, the implementation of which, over its three-year life, will be regularly evaluated and improved on an ongoing basis, to ensure it continues to demonstrate the Children First Partnership’s commitment to ensuring children and young people always come first.
Next Steps for the Children and Young People’s Plan
This engagement page will be transforming into an interactive project page. It is here that you will be able to view and download the Children and Young People’s Plan. This will be an interactive tool that aims to keep you updated with the progress being made in delivering against the Plans priorities.
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If you require any of the information for this project in an alternative format, please contact us on 01243 777100 or email Marie Foley at and we will do our best to assist you. If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have an NGT texting app installed on your computer, laptop or smartphone, you can contact us on 18001 01243 777100.
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West Sussex County Council has created an Accessibility Statement and details about the general accessibility of the Your Voice Engagement Hub can be found by clicking on the 'Accessibility tab' at the bottom of the page.
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