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Business Plan Phoenix Centre's, Bersted

Stage Two

Business Plan is programmed to run for 10 weeks from Monday 14th March 2022 to 28th June 2022

It is important that community and voluntary groups, applying to the County Council for the transfer of assets put forward a robust viable business case in support of any proposal.

The following sets out the requirements that need to be demonstrated by the group/organisation to be considered ‘fit for purpose’ to lease County Council assets.

  • Financial viability of the transfer
  • Experience of, and/or commitment to, partnership working
  • The appropriate skills, knowledge and expertise in managing the asset and associated project
  • Clearly defined structures, roles and responsibilities
  • Clear decision-making processes
  • All legislation and regulatory controls are in place
  • Aims and objectives
  • Indication of your expected deliverables across a time frame
  • Managing impact of COVID 19 or other risk impact on proposed business plan

The County Council may decide to withdraw this opportunity at any time and will not be held liable or responsible for any costs incurred by bidders in this process. All discussions and negotiations will be Subject to Contract and subject to the County Council's governance process and formal approval.

All information provided by WSCC as part of this process is for guidance only and should not be relied upon as the basis for any financial modelling or business planning. 

Applicants are advised to carry out their own due diligence and are recommended to seek independent legal advice and carry out a condition survey of the property.