Community Asset Transfer

What is Community Asset Transfer:
A Community Asset Transfer Policy proposal identifies when the council considers the transfer of assets, and how local communities could register an interest in taking over a council owned property.
The County Council supports the principle of the transfer of community assets in order to empower and strengthen local communities. The Council believes that transferring appropriate public assets to communities leads to more responsive services that better meet local people’s priorities.
Transfer of an asset can also provide the opportunity to channel more resources into a community and provide a more accessible and responsive base from which to deliver local services.
Typically, organisations that would be considered appropriate are Voluntary and Community Groups/Associations, Trusts or Charities, or Social Enterprise Groups.
It is emphasised that any project must enable and be able to secure the widest possible local community support and input, and the County Council will expect to receive a detailed business case to support any application. Applications from a single service in a single building are less likely to be successful.
Important: Please read the supporting documentation before you progress with your application as you will need to have all the information to hand when completing the Expression of Interest and the system does not allow you to save and come back to it later.
How does Community Asset Transfer work?
It is a two stage process
- Stage One: Formal Expression of Interest
This involves an overview of what the interested organisations are looking to utilise the building for and demonstrates there is community support.
- Stage Two: Full Business Plan
Once Formal Expression of Interest submissions have been considered the prospective interested organisations are invited to submit their full business and delivery plans with more detail. Including Finances, Management Plan, Governance details of the Organisation etc
The County Council may decide to withdraw this opportunity at any time and will not be held liable or responsible for any costs incurred by bidders in this process. All discussions and negotiations will be Subject to Contract and subject to the County Council's governance process and formal approval.
All information provided by WSCC as part of this process is for guidance only and should not be relied upon as the basis for any financial modelling or business planning.
Applicants are advised to carry out their own due diligence and are recommended to seek independent legal advice.
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