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Ask For A Coach

Please answer the questions in full and with as much information as possible. This will help us to match you with the coach we think is best able to meet your needs.

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My Readiness for Coaching

Coaching is one of several ways in which we can grow, develop, work towards achieving our goals and being our best selves.

It differs from other options, such as training courses, webinars, workshops and mentoring, in that a coach will work with you so that you find your own answers, solutions and way forward. 

Coaches will not tell you what to do, instruct you, give you advice nor share their own experience. As this is essential to the success of any coaching relationship, you must be able to agree with all of these statements in order to request a coach.

Please consider these statements very carefully and be realistic about what you are seeking. 


I am seeking someone who will use questioning, listening, observation and feedback to help me to explore my own solutions to the challenges or opportunities I bring to the conversation.

* required

I am NOT looking for someone who will tell me what to do, instruct me, give me answers and/or share their own experience to help me achieve my goals.

* required

I am NOT looking for someone who has lived experience or expertise in my area of work or the goal I wish to achieve.

* required

My goal is work or career-related. I am looking for coaching to help me be my best at work.

* required

Seeking coaching is my choice. I am NOT making this request because I have been told to do so by someone else.

* required

If you have selected 'this is not the case for me' for any statement ....

It is very likely that coaching is not the right option for you at this point in time. We recommend:

Please close this request form without submitting.

If you agree to all statements ...

Please continue with your request. Select 'save and continue'.