Manor Royal Highways Improvements, Crawley

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Project Overview

The Crawley Growth Programme is a £60 million investment package of improvements across the town to support business investment, employment growth and the delivery of housing. The programme is a partnership between Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), West Sussex County Council, Crawley Borough Council, Manor Royal BID and others.

As part of the programme, over £3.5 million is being invested in Manor Royal to improve key junctions, cycling and walking facilities, traffic signals, a new eastbound bus lane on Manor Royal, improved bus waiting areas and options to improve parking.

From the back (closest to the bus) from left to right – Cllr Michael Jones (CBC), Cllr Paul Marshall (WSCC) and Nick Hill (Metrobus). Second row from left to right – Steve Sawyer (Manor Royal BID), Cllr Atif Nawaz (CBC), Nick Burrell (WSCC), Gill Foster (WSP), Cllr Bob Lanzer (WSCC), Dipo Lafinhan (WSCC), Dave Jackson (Landbuild).

The first phase was successfully completed in July 2022 and the second phase completed in September 2023. The scheme has delivered:

• Improvement of public areas on Manor Royal / Gatwick Road roundabout

• Construction of an eastbound bus lane along Manor Royal

• Carriageway resurfacing along Manor Royal.

The Manor Royal Business District is a key part of these improvements as the biggest business park of the Gatwick Diamond and one of the South East’s premier mixed activity employment hubs. As a result, almost £4 million has been set aside to improve the infrastructure, look and traffic flow in the area. To ensure the scheme is delivered most effectively, it is being delivered by a range of partners including West Sussex County Council, Crawley Borough Council, Manor Royal BID, Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership (opens in new window) and others.

Manor Royal Highways Improvements Map

This map shows how the scheme is being delivered in a phased approach with Phase One including improvements to County Oak Way, Manor Royal & Crompton Way, Manor Royal toucan crossing and A23 London Road/Manor Royal Junction. Phase Two includes improvements to Metacalf Way traffic calming, Gatwick Road/Manor Royal Junction improvements and the introduction of a new bus lane on Manor Royal Road. The map below illustrates what was delivered and distinguishes between the two phases using colour coding.
Map of phases 1 and 2 of Manor Royal scheme

Phase One completed in July 2022 and Phase Two completed in September 2023.

For more information, please visit the Manor Royal website by clicking the link.

Project Updates

Updated 19/10/2023

The project has now completed, with the exception of minor snagging.

Press Releases

For recent press releases, please click on the links below (opens in a new tab):

Second phase of Manor Royal highways improvement scheme complete

Phase Two Highway Improvements Go Ahead for Manor Royal Business District

Milestone moment in multi-million-pound schemes to support Crawley's economic growth

Initial stage successfully completed in Manor Royal highway improvement scheme

£1million construction contract awarded for Manor Royal Highway Improvements Scheme’s second phase

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If you require any of the information for this project in an alternative format, please contact us on 01243 777100 or email us at If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have an NGT texting app installed on your computer, laptop or smartphone, you can contact us on 18001 01243 777100.

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· Microsoft Edge version 86 and above

· Chrome version 86 and above

· Firefox version 78 and above

· Safari version 14 and above

Project Overview

The Crawley Growth Programme is a £60 million investment package of improvements across the town to support business investment, employment growth and the delivery of housing. The programme is a partnership between Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), West Sussex County Council, Crawley Borough Council, Manor Royal BID and others.

As part of the programme, over £3.5 million is being invested in Manor Royal to improve key junctions, cycling and walking facilities, traffic signals, a new eastbound bus lane on Manor Royal, improved bus waiting areas and options to improve parking.

From the back (closest to the bus) from left to right – Cllr Michael Jones (CBC), Cllr Paul Marshall (WSCC) and Nick Hill (Metrobus). Second row from left to right – Steve Sawyer (Manor Royal BID), Cllr Atif Nawaz (CBC), Nick Burrell (WSCC), Gill Foster (WSP), Cllr Bob Lanzer (WSCC), Dipo Lafinhan (WSCC), Dave Jackson (Landbuild).

The first phase was successfully completed in July 2022 and the second phase completed in September 2023. The scheme has delivered:

• Improvement of public areas on Manor Royal / Gatwick Road roundabout

• Construction of an eastbound bus lane along Manor Royal

• Carriageway resurfacing along Manor Royal.

The Manor Royal Business District is a key part of these improvements as the biggest business park of the Gatwick Diamond and one of the South East’s premier mixed activity employment hubs. As a result, almost £4 million has been set aside to improve the infrastructure, look and traffic flow in the area. To ensure the scheme is delivered most effectively, it is being delivered by a range of partners including West Sussex County Council, Crawley Borough Council, Manor Royal BID, Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership (opens in new window) and others.

Manor Royal Highways Improvements Map

This map shows how the scheme is being delivered in a phased approach with Phase One including improvements to County Oak Way, Manor Royal & Crompton Way, Manor Royal toucan crossing and A23 London Road/Manor Royal Junction. Phase Two includes improvements to Metacalf Way traffic calming, Gatwick Road/Manor Royal Junction improvements and the introduction of a new bus lane on Manor Royal Road. The map below illustrates what was delivered and distinguishes between the two phases using colour coding.
Map of phases 1 and 2 of Manor Royal scheme

Phase One completed in July 2022 and Phase Two completed in September 2023.

For more information, please visit the Manor Royal website by clicking the link.

Project Updates

Updated 19/10/2023

The project has now completed, with the exception of minor snagging.

Press Releases

For recent press releases, please click on the links below (opens in a new tab):

Second phase of Manor Royal highways improvement scheme complete

Phase Two Highway Improvements Go Ahead for Manor Royal Business District

Milestone moment in multi-million-pound schemes to support Crawley's economic growth

Initial stage successfully completed in Manor Royal highway improvement scheme

£1million construction contract awarded for Manor Royal Highway Improvements Scheme’s second phase

Alternate formats

If you require any of the information for this project in an alternative format, please contact us on 01243 777100 or email us at If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have an NGT texting app installed on your computer, laptop or smartphone, you can contact us on 18001 01243 777100.

Survey web browser compatibility

Please use one of the browsers below when completing the survey to ensure it looks and works as it should. These are:

· Microsoft Edge version 86 and above

· Chrome version 86 and above

· Firefox version 78 and above

· Safari version 14 and above

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Page last updated: 18 Jan 2024, 08:25 AM