Chichester District Council — Chichester Local Plan consultation

Chichester District Council has launched its next stage of consultation on the Chichester Local Plan Overview.
Along with the evidence that the council has gathered, the views you have submitted through previous consultations have helped shape the Chichester Local Plan that the council intends to submit for examination.
Before it is submitted, the council is running a very specific consultation. This enables you to view the plan and comment on soundness and legal compliance. This is known as the Regulation 19 consultation phase and is the last stage before the plan is submitted for examination. You can find out more about what you can comment on, and view and comment on the plan by visiting Chichester District Council's Chichester Local Plan 2021-2039: Proposed Submission webpages (opens in new window).
The Local Plan identifies development areas for economic growth and locations for new homes in the Chichester plan area over the next 15 years. There is a separate plan for those areas located in the National Park and this is produced by the South Downs National Park Authority.
For more background information please visit Chichester District Council's accompanying webpages:
- Local Plan explained (opens in new window)
- Local Plan - your questions answered (opens in new window)
- The Local Plan - email newsletter and latest updates (opens in new window)
Take part in Chichester District Council's Local Plan 2021-2039 consultation (opens in new window) by 17 March 2023.
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