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Dog Declaration Form - Young Carers WEST May Half Term Activity 2023


By signing this you recognise that dogs are not without risk and voluntarily accept the risks involved. You further understand the need for your child to follow all instructions given.

Please also state if your child does/does not have allergies associated with dogs and/or will supply your child with anti-allergy medication.

You accept that no liability will be attached to The Young Carers Family Service, their staff or the dog handler.

This statement should be signed by the parent or guardian and understand the implications of the declaration. If you have more than one child attending this activity day, please complete a separate form for each child.

The dog attending May half term activities is well trained and has a good temperament. No young person will be allowed to approach or touch the dog.

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Telephone: 01903 270300


Please complete by: 25th May 2023