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My Future annual survey 2024

This survey is for young carers and young adult carers (YAC) aged 16 – 21 years who attend a My Future group run in partnership by the Young Carers Family Team and Carers Support West Sussex.

Please help us to make your My Future group the best it can be for you and other Young Adult Carers of the future by completing this questionnaire.

You will get a £10 voucher as a reward 😊 which your group leaders will give or email to you. 

Your views are important to us and will be used to inform the My Future group programme going forwards.

Your feedback about the difference the group makes to your life may also help us gain additional funding to keep the groups running.

0% answered


Which group do you attend? 

* required
I feel valued as a young adult and as a carer
People know that my caring role may impact on my life choices
I have had the opportunity to discuss what support services are available to YACs
I have been involved in how this group runs and what we do
I am more confident in my relations with other young adult carers
I am more confident in my social interaction with others
I have learnt a range of life skills e.g. cooking, budgeting, digital safety
I have spent time focusing on myself and what is important to me
I have increased my self-confidence, self-worth and self-esteem
I have got better at solving problems and coping with challenges
I know what I want to do in the future and how to achieve this
I have had fun and some time out from my caring role
I feel better prepared for adulthood

Maximum 255 characters



How would you rate your My Futures group? 

* required

Maximum 255 characters
