West Sussex SLS Picture Books to Shout About! Award 2023-24
Consultation has concluded

Welcome to the West Sussex Picture Books to Shout About! 2023-24
The Award, now celebrating its 10th anniversary aims to:
- Develop pupils’ visual literacy, critical thinking, and listening and speaking skills through the sharing of books and discussion
- Promote and develop positive attitudes to reading and reading for enjoyment
- Increase staff knowledge of the best new picture books
Thousands of children have participated over the years by sharing and voting for their favourite picture books. Schools that took part last year told us: “We read each book across each key stage and the children enjoyed discussing it with their friends and siblings. Our children really enjoyed seeing the authors and listening to them. The children reported that question and answer virtual events with the shortlisted authors made them feel their comments were valued.”
Caspar Salmon, author of the 2023 winning title ‘How to Count to One’ said, “I am so touched and delighted to have won the West Sussex Picture Books to Shout About! Award, particularly since this is an award voted for by children. Thank you so much to everybody who voted for ‘How To Count To One’, I really appreciate it. Thank you also to the West Sussex Schools Library Service for organising this prize and for nominating me. Publishing this book and seeing readers enjoy it has been a delight for me from the start.”
Our professional staff read hundreds of picture books throughout the year to select a longlist and then work with a selection of West Sussex teachers to choose the final four shortlisted titles. The shortlisted titles are chosen to appeal to both infants and juniors. Schools can participate as a class, book group or a whole school. The criteria for evaluation is different for the two age ranges, allowing pupils to discuss and evaluate the books at an appropriate level. Detailed advice and discussion points are also provided for each book.
• Schools may choose to participate as a class, book group or whole school.
• Schools will be required to register their participation in the project online.
• Schools may choose to read, share and champion the shortlisted books as they wish.
• A set of guidance notes and criteria for evaluation to help discussion will be provided in the briefing pack.
• The online voting entitlement will be one vote per school. Schools will be expected to use their vote to reflect the collective views of their children and meet the published deadline for submission of votes.
Subject to availability, there may be opportunities to access virtual events with the authors and illustrators of the shortlisted books.
The cost to take part in the 2023/24 Award is:
- £85 per pack for schools who currently subscribe to West Sussex Schools Library Service.
- £100 per pack for schools who do not have a subscription with West Sussex Schools Library Service.
Pack contents
- Two copies of each of the four shortlisted books
- Briefing sheets giving information about the books and authors, detailed advice on points for discussion for each book, criteria for evaluating picture books, and how juniors can be involved
- A copy of the longlist, together with an order form to enable schools to purchase these through the Schools Library Service Book Purchase Scheme (with 25% discount)
Subject to availability, access is also provided to:
- Specially designed class visits arranged with the public library
- Virtual events with the authors and illustrators of the shortlisted books
Timescale and action required:
Registration: If you would like to participate, please register using the form below by Friday 20th October.
Please note that registration is a financial commitment.
Key Dates:
- October half-term 2023 – shortlist finalised
- Late November 2023 – books and briefing packs delivered to schools
- December to February – schools to champion the books and vote online by the end of 08 February 2024
- World Book Day 07 March 2024 – winner announced
Please scroll down to complete the form
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