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Governance Survey 2024

The purpose of this year’s survey is to gain a picture of the needs of all governors across West Sussex to ensure we continue to offer appropriate advice, support and training.

For the last two years we have reported to you actions we have taken as a result of the responses received to our surveys, which we know from boards’ feedback has been appreciated.

This year’s survey is designed to be completed by all West Sussex governors. The closing date for completion online is Friday 26th July.

We have endeavoured to make this survey short and as straightforward as possible to complete. Thank you for responding to the survey, your feedback is very important to us.

0% answered



Do you know how to request for an item be added to your FGB agenda?

* required

In general, are you able to attend all FGB and required committee meetings?

* required

Are there any barriers to your regular attendance at FGB meetings?

* required

If yes, please indicate


Do you receive time off from your employer for your role as a governor?

* required

Have you been involved in any of the following panels:

* required

Have you undertaken the panel training provided by WSCC governor services? 

* required