Right from the Start: West Sussex Early Years and Childcare Strategy

“Science tells us that a child’s experiences from conception through their first five years will go on to shape their next 50.” – Jason Knauf, CEO of the Royal Foundation, December 2020
The early years has been in the spotlight for a number of years but more recently with a renewed focus from both the government and Ofsted.
West Sussex County Council and Integrated Care Board are on an exciting journey together to further develop services within Early Years and Childcare. We want to work in closer partnership to improve outcomes for children and families. As a result, we are developing a joint Early Years and Childcare Strategy. For the strategy to be successful it is essential that all stakeholders are involved in this process.
Both the pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis have exacerbated the challenges faced by families, and by those providing services nationally. An increase in the number of young children requiring additional support, along with resource pressures, is arguably creating a perfect storm, to potentially widen the gap between our least advantaged children and their peers. Whilst the pandemic may have magnified these issues, it should be noted that they existed and were in fact increasing before.
West Sussex are consulting with stakeholders on the development of Right from the Start: The West Sussex Early Years and Childcare Strategy. We really need your input for the strategy to be successful and it is essential that all stakeholders are involved in this process.
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