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Pre training evaluation questions for 'Leadership and Management'.

Please answer the following questions about your pre-knowledge and experience in relation to the following outcomes

Please rate your knowledge for each of the following objectives on a scale of 1 (low) and 10 (high). 

a.) Whole school or college approach, and the purpose and expectations of the senior mental health lead role.
b.) The key factors involved in driving strategic change to establish an effective whole-school or college approach.
c.) Working effectively with the senior leadership team, Governors, parents/carers and pupils, and with staff in mandatory roles such as SENCOs, Designated Safeguarding Leads, teachers and Virtual School Heads to deliver a whole school or college approach.
d.) How the senior lead role fits within the wider mental health system to be able to make best use of mental health support services across the NHS, their Local Authority and Voluntary and Community Sector partners
e.) Existing best practice in schools and colleges, and the benefits of sharing practice and experiences to sustaining an effective whole school or college approach.
f.) The importance of collecting and assessing data to support implementation of a whole school or college approach.
g.) Apply a whole-school or college approach, including the purpose and expectations of the senior mental health lead role.
h.) Identifying and addressing the key factors involved in driving strategic change to establish an effective whole-school or college approach
i.) Ability to work effectively with senior leadership teams, Governors, parents/carers, pupils, and staff in mandatory roles, such as SENCOs, Designated Safeguarding Leads, teachers, and Virtual School Heads, to deliver a whole-school or college approach.
j.) Ability to understand how the senior mental health lead role fits within the wider mental health system and effectively utilise mental health support services across the NHS, Local Authorities, and Voluntary and Community Sector partners.
k.) Recognising existing best practices in schools and colleges and to leverage the benefits of sharing practices and experiences to sustain an effective whole-school or college approach.
l.) Collecting and assessing data effectively to support the implementation of a whole-school or college approach.