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Post training evaluation questions for 'Identifying and monitoring impact'

Please rate your knowledge for each of the following objectives on a scale of 1 (low) and 10 (high). 

a.) Mental health and wellbeing and how this can impact children and young people’s readiness to learn – and other indicators, such as attendance, attention, behaviour and attainment.
b.) Measuring need across the whole school or college and monitoring the impact of interventions to measure progress and adapt approach
c.) The range of mental health issues likely to be encountered in schools and colleges, and the risk factors associated with specific groups
d.) How life experiences can lead to mental health fluctuations.
e.) How to differentiate when the need of the child or young person would be better met by an education or health intervention, specifically in relation to SEND.
f.) The tools used by mental health professionals to baseline and measure outcomes of interventions
g.) How you can monitor the impact of interventions in your setting.
h.) Using relevant tools to assess need, and monitor interventions to support pupil and student progress.
i.) Implement a process to identify those who may need additional support, working with other staff across the school to use pre-existing documents, such as Education Health Care Plans, where appropriate.
j.) Making decisions about whether a health or education intervention is more appropriate and access this support with reference to the Local Offer
k.) Seeking feedback from and giving feedback to staff, pupils and parents, to ensure those experiencing poor mental health get the support they need to be able to engage in all aspects of school/college life and participate in lessons and extra-curricular activities.
l.) Working with staff, families and local services to understand the mental health and wellbeing issues that could be impacting on behaviour and attendance to improve outcomes for pupils/students, and ensure that all school policies reflect this.
m.) Monitoring the impact of interventions provided to individuals or small groups and adapt the approach as needed.

Qualitative feedback

Maximum 10 characters
