Feedback Sharing Agreement
Please do not complete unless you have been asked to by one of our practitioners.
As part of our organisation we are regularly required to feedback to others about the work that the MHSTs do. This can involve a number of different people including commissioners, other services, researchers, schools and sometimes other places we are asked to speak to about the work the team does. We often produce graphs to say things like how many referrals we received, how many sessions we offer and the interventions that we do. Whilst this is important, what people really want to know is what the people who use our service think of it. We also produce leaflets, videos, social media posts and other publications about our service and often people want to hear from the people who have used the service and what they thought.
At the end of your work with the team your practitioner may ask you if you would be willing to share your experience that we can then use for communications. This may be a summary of the work you did with your practitioner and the journey you went on. You and your practitioner will agree what this summary says. We will also ask you to complete a questionnaire to give us feedback about your experience with us, in your words.
This form will tell us what you are happy for us to share and what you are not happy for us to share.
Any information you do agree to share will be anonymised. This means it will not include your name or your school and that you will not be able to be identified based on the information provided.
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