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Allsorts 'Deeper Dive' Sessions: Thought-Full Survey

Allsorts are offering a unique opportunity for Thought-Full and School Staff to take a deeper dive into key subjects related to supporting our LGBT+ Students (and parents and staff). These two-hour online sessions will be your chance to ask questions and explore in much more depth the nuanced situations and cases you face in your schools regarding LGBT+ people. The sessions will be a much more open Q&A and exploration of case studies rather than content-based training. 

This is your chance to anonymously ask the questions you always wanted to ask, raise the concerns you have or have heard from others about LGBT+ students, and get down into the details of more complex issues and cases.

There will be three sessions available, each covering a different subject area. We highly recommend that you attend all three sessions.

 A. Trans, non-binary, and gender-exploring - a closer look

Examples of areas we can cover:

  • Information about supporting young people who are exploring their gender identity
  • More in-depth understanding of the gender identity spectrum and terminology
  • The intersections between autism and gender identity

B. Dealing with anti-LGBT+ bullying, incidents, and attitudes 

Examples of areas we can cover:

  • Working with families who are not accepting/supportive (inc. cultural and religious factors)
  • Specific guidance for dealing with anti-LGBT+ bullying, incidents, and attitudes from school staff, students, parents/carers, and the wider community
  • Navigating government guidance and legalities 

 C. Creating more inclusive schools for LGBT+ students 

Examples of areas we can cover:

  • Examples and sharing of best practices around student support, learning and curriculum, policies and guidance, culture and ethos, and the school environment
  • How to set up an LGBT+ Group at school
  • More in-depth understanding of the sexual orientation spectrum (e.g. pansexual)

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