This short survey has been designed for providers of a wide range of types of therapeutic services. Here at West Sussex County Council we want to work with our providers in the best way possible. We would like to gain your views on the development of a possible framework for procuring these types of services.
The aim to to ensure that we provide the best opportunities for the children and young people we support in West Sussex to get the right type of therapeutic support to best meet their needs, and to do so in a way that is most effective and efficient for both providers and the council.
The likely type of framework to be developed is a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS), this will provide a list of suppliers who have completed the necessary due diligence like insurance and qualification checks. Providers can join a DPS at any time which allows flexibility for market development and new opportunities.
Once on the framework, individual contracts are awarded during the second stage. All suppliers within the relevant category on the DPS are invited to bid for the specific package of work. It is likely to be categorised by the type of therapy required and possibly also by location of the therapy required.
Please help us to design the most effective ways of working with you by taking a few minutes to share some information with us about you and your business.