SLS Primary Book Chat

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Schools Library Service Primary Book Chat logo showing a magical book.

SLS Primary Book Chat - books to share and inspire!

"Teachers are the best people to promote a love of reading because children, particularly young children, care what their teachers think about the stories they read aloud. If teachers show they love the story, the children are likely to respond in the same way. However, this does not mean that teachers should choose only the books they loved as children." DfE Reading Framework 2023

Participate in this exciting networking opportunity to talk about children's books.

Sign up for the links to our informal book chats via MS Teams on:

Tuesday 18 March 2025 3.45 - 4.45

Tuesday 20 May 2025 3.45 - 4.45

Tuesday 01 July 2025 3.45 - 4.45

Come along and share the books that work well for you and hear about new titles recently added to the SLS catalogue. Share good practice with fellow teachers, librarians and school staff and discover quality texts to use in your classroom.

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If you require any of this information in an alternative format, then please contact us via email at or by telephone on 01903 704828 and we will do our best to assist you. If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have an NGT texting app installed on your computer, laptop or smartphone, you can contact us on 18001 01903704828.

For more information about the accessibility of this website, please read the Your Voice Engagement Hub Accessibility Statement (opens in new window).

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Please use one of the browsers below when completing the survey to ensure it looks and works as it should. These are:

· Microsoft Edge version 86 and above

· Chrome version 86 and above

· Firefox version 78 and above

· Safari version 14 and above

SLS Primary Book Chat - books to share and inspire!

"Teachers are the best people to promote a love of reading because children, particularly young children, care what their teachers think about the stories they read aloud. If teachers show they love the story, the children are likely to respond in the same way. However, this does not mean that teachers should choose only the books they loved as children." DfE Reading Framework 2023

Participate in this exciting networking opportunity to talk about children's books.

Sign up for the links to our informal book chats via MS Teams on:

Tuesday 18 March 2025 3.45 - 4.45

Tuesday 20 May 2025 3.45 - 4.45

Tuesday 01 July 2025 3.45 - 4.45

Come along and share the books that work well for you and hear about new titles recently added to the SLS catalogue. Share good practice with fellow teachers, librarians and school staff and discover quality texts to use in your classroom.

Please scroll down to complete the form

Accessibility and alternate formats

If you require any of this information in an alternative format, then please contact us via email at or by telephone on 01903 704828 and we will do our best to assist you. If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have an NGT texting app installed on your computer, laptop or smartphone, you can contact us on 18001 01903704828.

For more information about the accessibility of this website, please read the Your Voice Engagement Hub Accessibility Statement (opens in new window).

Survey web browser compatibility

Please use one of the browsers below when completing the survey to ensure it looks and works as it should. These are:

· Microsoft Edge version 86 and above

· Chrome version 86 and above

· Firefox version 78 and above

· Safari version 14 and above

Page last updated: 24 Feb 2025, 09:02 AM