SLS Celebration of Reading 2023 - Online Author Talks registration form
Consultation has concluded

West Sussex Schools Library Service are pleased to offer a series of free online author events as part of this year's Celebration of Reading week. Please complete this form to book your class a ticket for each event that you wish to attend. Links to your selected Zoom events will be emailed directly to you closer to the time.
Meet the Poet: Neal Zetter
Tuesday 20th June 2.00 - 2.30 p.m.
Neal Zetter is a comedy performance poet from London. He has published a range of poetry collections aimed at KS1 & KS2, including 'The Universal Zoo' and 'Scared?'
Meet the Author: Sabine Adeyinka
Wednesday 21st June 2.00 - 2.30 p.m.
Author of the popular debut novel, 'Jummy and the River School' and sequel, 'Time to Shine at the River School.' This boarding school series set in Nigeria would be perfect for readers in Upper KS2 who enjoy adventure stories.
Meet the Author & Illustrator: Paddy Donnelly
Thursday 22nd June 2.00 - 2.30 p.m.
Acclaimed author and illustrator, Paddy Donnelly will be talking about his newly published picture book, 'Fox and Sons Tailors' and demonstrating his illustrating skills. Picture Book Award participants may remember Paddy Donnelly as the illustrator of 2021/22 shortlisted title, 'Hom.' This event will be accessible for KS1 and KS2 classes.
Meet the Author: Chrissie Sains
Friday 23rd June 2.00 - 2.30 p.m.
Chrissie Sains is the author of the hilarious 'Jam Factory' series suitable for children aged 6+. Hear about Chrissie's life as an author and where she finds inspiration for her stories.
West Sussex SLS 25% Book Purchase Scheme
Copies of books by each author may be purchased via our Book Purchase Scheme here SLS Book Purchase Scheme Order Form | Your Voice West Sussex The Book Purchase Scheme provides SLS-subscribing schools with a 25% discount on the cover price of every book purchased and, for an additional fee, extra servicing to be applied including book jackets and AR labels where applicable.
For queries regarding these author events please email
Please scroll down to complete the order form.
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