SLS Celebration of Reading 2023: Author Book Packs
Consultation has concluded

As part of the SLS Celebration of Reading 2023, subscribing schools have the opportunity to purchase a set of book by each author/poet. These books are available via the West Sussex Schools Library Service scheme which entitles subscribing schools to a 25% discount on the cover price of each book purchased. For an additional fee, schools can opt to have book jackets and AR stickers added to each copy (where applicable.)
To purchase an author pack, please complete the form at the bottom of this page. A member of the Schools Library Service team will be in touch to confirm your order.
Book Packs available to purchase
Neal Zetter: 'Scared?' & 'The Universal Zoo' £13.73
(NB. Both of these titles are aimed at a KS2 audience.)
Sabine Adeyinke: 'Jummy and the River School' & 'Time to Shine at the River School' £12.70
(NB. Both of these titles are aimed at an Upper KS2 audience.)
Paddy Donnelly: 'Fox & Sons Tailers,' 'Dodos are not extinct,' & 'Wolves in Helicopters' £28.32
(NB. All of these titles are Picture Books suitable for KS1 & KS2.)
Chrissie Sains: 'An Alien in the Jam Factory,' 'The Treasure Under the Jam Factory' & 'Slugs Invade the Jam Factory' £16.80
(NB. These titles are aimed at readers in Y2 and above.)
Please note that all book orders are subject to availability.
Further details about the Book Purchase Scheme and servicing costs can be found on our website:
West Sussex Schools Library Service Book Purchase Scheme | West Sussex Services for Schools
Please scroll down to complete the order form.
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