SENCo Leadership Forums

Termly SENCo Leadership Forums provide an opportunity to share good practice and strengthen your confidence in the leadership of SEND and inclusion in your school. SENCo Leadership Forums are led and facilitated by the SEND and Inclusion Advisers. They are free and open to all West Sussex SENCos, Inclusion Leaders, Teachers in Charge of Specialist Support Centres and Senior Leaders. There is now a secondary specific forum to complement the termly sessions.
The aims of the forums are to:
- provide guidance linked to national and local updates
- identify and share good practice linked to SEND and inclusion
- develop systems for peer and school-to-school support
- co-design materials and resources linked to SEND and inclusion
- provide access to speakers, including a range of specialist professionals linked to SEND and inclusion (e.g. SENAT, EMTAS, SALT, EPS, Virtual School, HI/VI Specialist Team, Pan-Sussex colleagues, SENCos, Special School colleagues and many more!)
- co-design the development and content of future forums
- act as a sounding board between the local authority and school-based practitioners
See our dedicated SENCo Leadership Forums page to view upcoming dates and links for bookings
This is what professionals have fed back about previous sessions - they were asked to say what they enjoy most about the forum:
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