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School Streets - A car-free or low traffic street outside our schools where pedestrians and cyclists can move safely.

STAFF Survey - School Streets 6-month review

This survey is for STAFF working at one of the following schools:

Arundel Primary School, Jarvis Road, Arundel

Swiss Gardens Primary School, Swiss Gardens, Shoreham

Thomas a Becket Junior School, Glebeside Avenue, Worthing.

Select option

A copy of your survey will be sent to you on completion, your School Streets lead may request a copy for their records.

What type of Teacher are you?

* required

What time do you travel to and from school?

* required
Note: school run peak times are 8.15am to 8.45am and 2.30pm to 4pm

How do you currently travel to and from school?

* required
Please indicate your primary mode of travel

Has the way you travel to school changed because of the School Street trial?

* required

Before the School Street trial, how did you travel to school?

* required
We are asking this question to help us understand how travel may have changed as part of the trial.

Who do you travel to school with?

* required

Do you feel the School Street has made YOUR journey to school safer?

* required

If you travel to school by car, where do you park?


Do you support the School Street trial becoming permanent?

* required
Do you feel the whole journey to school has been improved by the installation of the school street?
Do you feel the school gate area is safer due to the installation of the school street?
Do you think the timings of the school street meet the needs of the school community?
Do you feel the school street has reduced the number of cars at the school gate?
Do you feel the installation of the school street has encouraged people to travel more sustainably?

Maximum 255 characters
