School Funding Consultation 2022/23
This consultation sets out proposed changes to school funding affecting all mainstream schools and academies. West Sussex County Council needs to review its local formula factors and unit values to determine how best to make changes to continue moving forward towards full National Funding Formula implementation.
The consultation also contains proposals and information that may affect Local Authority charges to its maintained schools in 2022/23 and covers:
• De-delegation of funding from LA maintained primary and secondary schools to create pooled budgets.
• The charge to LA maintained primary, secondary and special schools and Alternative Provision College (APC) for General Duties.
The document sets out a number of proposals that are subject to change as a result of school finance regulations that have not yet been published and the receipt of further information from the government.
The financial models attached are based on October 2020 census data and are illustrative only since they are subject to change when October 2021 census data is provided in December 2021.
Why we are consulting
Responses to the consultation proposals will be taken into account in final decisions for 2022/23 to be made by the Cabinet Member for Learning and Skills in January 2022.
It is important that LA maintained schools and academies respond to the consultation proposals which could affect future funding and charging. Please respond by completing the consultation questions by Wednesday 10th November 2021.
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