Recovery and renewal surveys

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We want to ensure you are kept well informed and engaged on all areas of work across our Children, Young People and Learning department. We also want to give you opportunities to get involved in helping us shape and move forward various aspects of how we work. To do this as effectively as possible we need your help and a few minutes of your time!

We would be grateful if you could respond to the following questions to help review and inform our next steps and decision making.

We plan to feedback on the survey responses we receive and how we are taking onboard your feedback and ideas for the future.

We want to ensure you are kept well informed and engaged on all areas of work across our Children, Young People and Learning department. We also want to give you opportunities to get involved in helping us shape and move forward various aspects of how we work. To do this as effectively as possible we need your help and a few minutes of your time!

We would be grateful if you could respond to the following questions to help review and inform our next steps and decision making.

We plan to feedback on the survey responses we receive and how we are taking onboard your feedback and ideas for the future.

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Page last updated: 25 Mar 2021, 04:22 PM