Weed Spraying Schedule
Weeds can damage paved surfaces, displace kerbstones and crack walls, making maintenance difficult and costly. If weeds grow in road gullies and channels they can slow down and, at worst, block the drainage systems. They can also trap litter and debris.
We spray weeds on roads and pavements twice a year between April to the end of May and between July and September. The timing depends on weather conditions and weed growth and it takes around six weeks to spray roads across the county. Some roads will be treated at the end of the programme and therefore, could have more weed growth by the time they are sprayed.
Please understand that the control programme is intended for guideline purposes only. Weather, operational requirements/changes, weed cover on the ground, mechanical/equipment failure, sickness, absence, or decisions taken by the company will all play a part in potential deviation from this intended programme.
The weed control programme can be found here: Weed control programme (westsussex.gov.uk)