Proposed change of Millais Secondary from a single sex girls' school to a co-educational school

Summary of proposals
Following consideration of the options regarding future admissions to the school, West Sussex County Council wish to consult on the proposal to change the status of the school from a single sex girls’ school to a co-educational boys’ and girls’ school. The consultation proposes that Millais school receives the first co-educational cohort, which will be for Year 7 admissions only, from September 2026 subject to approval from the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Learning and Skills. Should this be agreed, then all subsequent Year 7 admissions would similarly be for boys and girls. We would like to hear your comments on this proposed approach.
Why is the Council consulting on change
The opportunity for change and a re-organisation of the school arises because the school has not filled all its places for the last three years which impacts on budgets and resources yet there is a shortage of places for boys in the area. The change would provide the opportunity to build on the current good practice of the school and help to drive up educational standards across the town by offering boys as well as girls access to the high-quality education offer.
West Sussex County Council recognises the pressure for additional secondary places in Horsham locality and a desire to ensure secondary places for all pupils locally. Under s14 of the Education Act 1996 the County Council has a statutory duty to ensure there are sufficient places to provide education for all children and young people. The school needs to be ready to meet the local needs of an expanding school population. By offering places to boys it will reduce the need for some boys in the Horsham area to be sent to schools in other District and Boroughs away from their friendship groups and involving long daily journeys. The pressure for places is likely to increase in the future.
The proposal
The proposal is to change the status of the school from a single sex girls’ school to a co-educational school. At this stage, it is not intended to change the age range of the school which is currently 11-16. The earliest the first co-educational cohort could enter Year 7 would be from September 2026. Existing year groups of girls would continue to receive their education at the school until they leave at the age of 16.
The Local Authority does not envisage the school changing its ethos and mission. The school provides an outstanding education, with high-quality teaching and a nurturing school ethos that empowers each student to achieve their personal best. Staff are our most valuable resource and it is important that should there be any need for changes these are dealt with fairly and sensitively. The County Council has a Code of Practice on school reorganisation, written with the support of the unions and professional associations and is designed to support all staff through the process of change.
Meeting the needs of co-educational year groups
Adaptations to the facilities, the curriculum and pastoral care, would be needed to ensure all pupils have equality of opportunity to that which they would receive in other co-educational schools eg. ensuring sufficient new boys' toilets and changing facilities, access to the curriculum for physical education and providing appropriate emotional and social support for boys and girls including those with Special Educational Needs.
Children and Young People Services Scrutiny Committee
The Children and Young People's Services Scrutiny Committee is responsible for the overview and scrutiny of the Cabinet portfolio area of Learning and Skills. The proposal to change the status of Millais school was scrutinised on 11th September 2024. You can re-watch the meeting in the webcast library. The Chair of the Committee is Councillor Paul Linehan. Home - West Sussex webcasts (
Statutory Notices
Changing the status of a single sex school to co-educational requires public consultation. It is a two-stage process, initially an informal consultation took place over a four week period (rom 8 May 2024 to 12 June 2024). At the end of this period, and following analysis of the comments received, and review by the Children and Young People Services Scrutiny Committee, the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Learning and Skills, Jacquie Russell, took the decision to publish statutory notices earlier this month.
Decision - Change of status of Millais School, Horsham, to a co-educational school (for girls and boys) - publication of Statutory Notices and proposal for capital funding - CYPLS19 (24/25)
Statutory notices have been published on 23 January 2025 for a formal five-week consultation period until 27 February 2025. We expect the final decision to be taken in March 2025.
If you would like to comment or make a representation in response to this consultation then please email the School Consultation team at link)(External link)
Representations must be received by midnight on the 27 February 2025 to be included.
Please be advised that comments cannot be a repeat of information or views already provided during the informal consultation that ran from 8 May 2024 to 12 June 2024.
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