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Making Every Contact Count (MECC) alcohol training - follow-up survey

Maximum 255 characters



In what context have the conversations taken place (please tick all that apply)?

* required

Maximum 255 characters


Since completing the training, I have thought about, or have made a positive change to my own drinking
Since completing the training, conversations about drinking (alcohol) happen more frequently amongst my team and colleagues within my workplace
I have the practical skills required to have short, health promoting conversations about alcohol in my day-to-day work
I have the knowledge required to have short, health promoting conversations about alcohol in my day-to-day work
I have the interpersonal skills required to have short, health promoting conversations about alcohol in my day-to-day work
I have enough time to have short, health promoting conversations about alcohol in my day-to-day work
I have the resources to support me in having short, health promoting conversations about alcohol in my day-to-day work
My work environment enables me to have short, health promoting conversations about alcohol in my day-to-day work
I have the support from my colleagues/team to have short, health promoting conversations about alcohol in my day-to-day work
I have the support from my manager to have short, health promoting conversations about alcohol in my day-to-day work
I have the support from my organisation to have short, health promoting conversations about alcohol in my day-to-day work
I intend to have short, health promoting conversations about alcohol in my day-to-day work
I believe that having short, health promoting conversations in my day-to-day work with the people I work with is important
Having short, health promoting conversations about alcohol in my day-to-day work with people I work with is an automatic habit for me
I want to have short, health promoting conversations about alcohol in my day-to-day work with people I work with
I think it’s important that the people I work with understand basic health promotion information about alcohol
I am aware of some key public health information and messages about alcohol
I am aware of support services for alcohol in West Sussex
How confident are you to initiate a health promoting conversation with people you work with about alcohol?
I am confident to refer or signpost people to alcohol support services in West Sussex
Your email address will be used to match your responses to your pre and post training scores. Data from these questionnaires are recorded and stored securely and managed in accordance with West Sussex County Councils Data Protection policy, the Data Protection Act 2018, and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).