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'Baseline' survey for L-INCS services

Welcome to the ‘baseline’ survey for the L-INCS (Local Inclusion Solutions) pilot programme. You are being invited to complete this short (around 15 minutes) online survey as you are currently involved in the programme as part of a school L-INCS team.

As L-INCS is a pilot project, it is important to closely evaluate the activity undertaken, and its impact. This includes a baseline ‘snapshot’ of the activity undertaken by you in your L-INCS schools in the previous school year (2023-24) in order to compare this with the current year, with L-INCS in place.

This baseline survey will ask you questions about the activity undertaken in your L-INCS schools in the last school year (2023-24). This includes the type of support schools accessed, number of times accessed, how satisfied you were with your involvement, and how effective you think your involvement was, both in terms of supporting the needs of individual children and developing whole-school practice.

Your individual responses will be kept confidential. Collated data (i.e., data from all professionals in school L-INCS teams) will be reported on but the report will not contain your individual responses and you will not be identifiable.

More information on the L-INCS programme, including useful resources for schools, can be found on the L-INCS website.

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